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your mom say to me schizophrenic the other night ^^
- - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - im so mads dudes this 911 humans think pandawow or that game is important for me think one here cares about that only need se the pics of your avatars cats cats etc etc have a nice day i feel so good and free today that server no is good for me or any one is a true daycare for 5 year old boys seyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - - - Updated - - - im so mads dudes this 911 humans think pandawow or that game is important for me think one here cares about that only need se the pics of your avatars cats cats etc etc have a nice day i feel so good and free today that server no is good for me or any one is a true daycare for 5 year old boys seyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
feel fre to ban me kintia elena cristina or i dont know the real name you have you arasing me in that server and you think i am a kid and the only kid here are you and others bad admins dont worry feel freee to have me baned your entire life i dont lost more me time in that server is the reason for nobody play asasing here are you seriusly you remember me a politican you and many others here lies lies lies and absurd rules the most cool of that history is the absurd easy and bad you are playing that game good lock and have a nice day have me the last month here out of trinkets burst potions etc etc need use me envenenom 8 times to get the finish move vs one of the most bad garbage abuser players of that server called gripforce dk vs rogue is amazing i deleted dks in asasing in retail in 10 s in 10 s problem here is that dudes aboid 80 % of me hits and me damage thats is the problem i go to other server to nos e you more talking to me and trolling me you have mental problems in the real life call the 911 this dudes can help you you think thats is a insult call the 911 pls bye and good lock pandawow the only here play a char for pasion the only asasing rogue of pandawow i think playing the most broken char of that server since 2014 byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
you can ban me etc etc all i say here is thr true and your qa tester are 1.2 mmr players duel me you have balls noobs suriken work fine 17 years kids try to learn a lion 5 years retail player to whats is fine or work fine in a private server your server is so buged feral druid never fail never i fail all shit vs druids dks paladins monsk monks are inmune to sap here when have this win aroun your qa tester never played retail and the best is are so bads is similar to hunter pets this dude revive the pet and are inmune to all cc polis etc etc all here work so fine ban 5 mutilates to the air in 4 s 0 combo points is so fukin normal yes ye stell me moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pls
e dude is that real hunter pets are inmune to all cc of this game are you ok is your brain working fine a hunter use the bm burst i use me ice block and wait and next blink and try poli the pet and say inmune to me all time after 20 s can poli and the poli expired in 1,2 second the killed the pet and the hunter revive the pet again and is totaly inmune to all cc or frez or polimorf are you fukin seriusly dude fix that shit fix the hunter pets are inmune to all shit of the game and ferocity no have stun broken on pets onbly in the burst time only cuning pet have the 3 m trinket fix that shit dude your server is so buged
are you fukin seriusly why monks are inmune to sap why ferals hited me on evasions and i fail 7 mutilates in 15 s all time in face to face why no can hit monks why i fail 5 mutilate in a row and i reforged expertise have near 7 % to try aboid that are you seirusly bro is any one qatester here why nobody testing asasing rogues play here since 2014 you are so wrong thats no is fine or wwork good pls fix that is amazing that no can hit ferals or monks or paladins dk etc etc thats no is normal dude you are so wrong i played retail more than 5 years and no is the same is amazing im on evasion 30 s on evasion for glyp and no can hita feral druid and this dude is in me face no in me bakc and i wated and poped all me burst on this dude out of defenses and this dud eis full hp all time pls dude fix the asasing hit rating and nerft the fukin combat rogue is fukin amazing killing spre can fal or get parryed you turn all time fats and faceles the rogue is the reason for all play combat rogue here asasing rogues are so buged and combat is buged more is amazing ungeared rogue get me donw ina killing spre and that speel can get parried or failed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc-XZWzuPsM are you ok bro you remember me that - - - Updated - - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc-XZWzuPsM are you ok bro you remember me that
you are other miss universe yous e that dude lock liek a 50 years man fukin aliens say to me hour and day to play duels autistic piece of shit you are other fukin alien im prety sure you lock like a donkey of marte or venus are yous eriusly fukin animals hahahahahahaa broken meass here fukin losers this dude lock lieka 50 years man and have braindeficit duels little retard duels wisp me for a duel noobas rusian say noobas frosth noobas and xaxaxaxa stop drinking 2 e bottle of vodka donkey you are a noob and a ugly subhuman you are a fukin peladooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
is amazing that bro and give me a fuk you are white black yellow rusian japanese or american call the 911 you have mental problems
jajajajajajajajaajajajajaa you are a keyboard hero you are a fukin peladooooooooooooo e dude you have seriyusly mental problems call the beberly hills doctors you are miss universe and ia m pilav in the real life hahahahahahaha you are so fukin misss universe and you are a racist cunt hahahaha you are a fukin peladooooooooo and you are a noob only need se your eyes you are a loser donkey racist dumb hahaha the last irrelevant loser of your country usa best than eu sure hahahahahahaha here in me country nobody die for guns usa is the most epick gargabe country of this universe you are so wrong donkey and you are a pelaod miss universe bro you are miss universe i think you have mongolian problems rofl - - - Updated - - - jajajajajajajajaajajajajaa you are a keyboard hero you are a fukin peladooooooooooooo e dude you have seriyusly mental problems call the beberly hills doctors you are miss universe and ia m pilav in the real life hahahahahahaha you are so fukin misss universe and you are a racist cunt hahahaha you are a fukin peladooooooooo and you are a noob only need se your eyes you are a loser donkey racist dumb hahaha the last irrelevant loser of your country usa best than eu sure hahahahahahaha here in me country nobody die for guns usa is the most epick gargabe country of this universe you are so wrong donkey and you are a pelaod miss universe bro you are miss universe i think you have mongolian problems rofl - - - Updated - - - i know i eat other ban soon give me a fuk are you seriusly animal you are a fukin braindead donkey only need se your face you are a fukin sub human dude you have mental problems retard and you are a fukin loser are you fukin seriusly dumb you are a fukin dumb this face is amazing is fukin amazing and this name you are autistic fukin animal and a racist loser and your usa country is full of corruption drugs murdered etc etc usa good country you are idiot fukin animal you are so fukin idiot you are a pelado virgin dumb you are a fukin pelado no can get more ugly body skin or face is amazing this shit and i am a copy of pilav in the real life for me geta girl is so fukin easy and absurd you are idiot mah mah mah nijaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - - - Updated - - - i know i eat other ban soon give me a fuk are you seriusly animal you are a fukin braindead donkey only need se your face you are a fukin sub human dude you have mental problems retard and you are a fukin loser are you fukin seriusly dumb you are a fukin dumb this face is amazing is fukin amazing and this name you are autistic fukin animal and a racist loser and your usa country is full of corruption drugs murdered etc etc usa good country you are idiot fukin animal you are so fukin idiot you are a pelado virgin dumb you are a fukin pelado no can get more ugly body skin or face is amazing this shit and i am a copy of pilav in the real life for me geta girl is so fukin easy and absurd you are idiot mah mah mah nijaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - - - Updated - - - vote trumps best fukin president - - - Updated - - - vote trumps best fukin president - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - viva mexico tacos i like tacos are so mutch best than mcdonalds hamburger genius and mexican culture is amazing and mexico is a beauty place but i live in eu genius vivaaaaaaaa mexicoooooooooooooooooo tacosssssssssssss call the 911 dude you have seriusly mental problems keyboard hero you are a fukin pelaod a true keyboard hero - - - Updated - - - viva mexico tacos i like tacos are so mutch best than mcdonalds hamburger genius and mexican culture is amazing and mexico is a beauty place but i live in eu genius vivaaaaaaaa mexicoooooooooooooooooo tacosssssssssssss call the 911 dude you have seriusly mental problems keyboard hero you are a fukin pelaod a true keyboard hero
jaleousli is so bad yeah motherflower give me a fuk the bans the mutes etc etc you are new in games useles little rat jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajaajjajajajajajaaajajajaajajaj you are nothing and you are other jaleousli mad virgin loser hahahahahahahhaahahah atruli liitle rat stealed in a keyboard can open other acount genius really you think is importan for me that hahahahahahah you are the only idiot here genius call your doctor little rat you have mental problems jjajajajajajajajaj you are totaly idiot that is the problem little rat thats is the problem back to se pokemon or your anime cartoons idiot
Яъъ thanks for the advice bro but i play asasing allways since 2014 here for i love rogues sorry but for me the only way to play this game are rogues i love that i am a rogue allways no change to other chars and allways rogues are brojens in private servers you no can sap a banish here for you no break combats you think is normal i have me target on 5% hp up and need 9 s to hit and i wated all me energy to try hit this target you think that is normal for all think i am bad etc etc you no have idea of me rogue skill and the fast and skilled i am i am a pitbull a dog fight player but here is so hard for thats bugs im bored of that is lost the time i talked about that years ago thats no is normal no can hit more x100 druids is a prank thats is a prank i think im baned soon but i play here and i have rigfht to expres me self for is frustated play a rogue here for the bugs are or a mele char only ferals have advantage is the reason for all choice ferals or druids allways priest and druids 80% of players here are druids or priest is amazing ^^ im bored of that but all is ay is the true thats no is normal is a bug - - - Updated - - - Яъъ thanks for the advice bro but i play asasing allways since 2014 here for i love rogues sorry but for me the only way to play this game are rogues i love that i am a rogue allways no change to other chars and allways rogues are brojens in private servers you no can sap a banish here for you no break combats you think is normal i have me target on 5% hp up and need 9 s to hit and i wated all me energy to try hit this target you think that is normal for all think i am bad etc etc you no have idea of me rogue skill and the fast and skilled i am i am a pitbull a dog fight player but here is so hard for thats bugs im bored of that is lost the time i talked about that years ago thats no is normal no can hit more x100 druids is a prank thats is a prank i think im baned soon but i play here and i have rigfht to expres me self for is frustated play a rogue here for the bugs are or a mele char only ferals have advantage is the reason for all choice ferals or druids allways priest and druids 80% of players here are druids or priest is amazing ^^ im bored of that but all is ay is the true thats no is normal is a bug
dont tell me nothing about this game donkey rogues here more asasing have a loot of disvantage for the bug are the hit rating i dont know subtley or combat loser i play here since 2014 i am a legend of this server and all private i played i have 3.2 k in 2 vs 2 in retail in pandaria genius years ago sanguino eu server lns squad a pvp guild this guild have r1 players in retail long time ago years ago genius i am a old chool player this server have a totaly braindead disvantage for mele chars only feral druids work fine for never fail loser you are a donkey a loser and a noob play here mele vs mele is a prank of you no can hit etc etc noob back to your hole you no are wellcome here and i dont can made a video this happens to me vs x100 players is imposibol to hit for me a druid you and developers here are so wrong in that think kid you are new in this game and i played this game first time weher i have 10 years in retail clasic more than 15 years ago genius shup up best and stop insulting me or i report you loser im prety sure of that you are a noob and never played the retail servers
https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5277/evasion thats spel no work vs feral druids dont tell me many lies this dude is hiting me all time on me front and i have 15 s for the glyp is hiting me all time the best is i dont can hit the druid and failed 5 gouges are yous eriusly why this happening is amazing the bug are feral druids here why you no nerft this amazing never fail rating and fix the fukin asasing mutilate hit rating are you seriusly is amazing is imporibol imposibol rogues are broken here dude more you play asasings no can hit i dont can hit ferals faill all shit you can imagine bro test that fix that evasion get you front inmuniti vs mele hits 100x1000
and chek that video and you can se the low probability to get parrys mis etc etc and are so low i have the powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - - - Updated - - - and chek that video and you can se the low probability to get parrys mis etc etc and are so low i have the powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr