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Posts posted by coating

  1. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc. It is necessarily to add a link to WoWHead or WoWroad or WoWwiki.

    https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Summon_Water_Elemental / https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Waterbolt / https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Freeze

    2. Description of the problem. Try to explain as best as you can. Describe what is exactly wrong. Add proof of your words - screenshots, video or combat log. Explain to us how we can reproduce this issue.

    when I summon elemental, the elemental was supposed to attack based on its stance - offensive / defensive , ETC.

    But he didn't attack the monster, and I cannot let it attack manually - it's silantly.

    3. How it must work. It is necessarily to give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official WoW server. Please describe everything as detailed as possible.

    the water elemental was suppose to attack through his skill - Waterbolt or cast the spell - Freeze even manually.

    4. Before creating a report, follow one simple rule - describe everything so that you can be understood even by a person who has never played your class or even WoW. Then anyone will understand you, and no one will have questions.

    5. Date when you tested it

    2022. 01. 05

    6. Realm, where found this bug (x100/FUN).


    7. Priority of the problem(1-10). It doesn't mean that if you will place 10 the developers will work on it in immediately. We create our own priority list.

    as mage, it's very important to improve DPS. so proirity is 10. without working, I cannot play the Mage.

  2. Hello Sir.


    I'd like to check something about the quest - https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=32389/the-lion-roars , which is the questline of Legendary quest.


    In this quest, I need to win the Battleground at Temple of Kotmogu and Silvershard Mines.


    but you know, The battlefield above is an unfavorable one for many people, so it doesn't open very often.


    So, I'd like to know if I can do this quest at Wargame instead of the normal Battleground.


    and, if possible, can I get this quest with few multiple account to do that? maybe two or three accounts per person.


    I appreciate your prompt reply.

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