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Posts posted by liobel

  1. No, we shouldn't use addons, if blizzard implemented that feature already. Losecontrol does not say what kind of disable it is, and that's important for DR. The regular in-game cc interface is just too good. Sadly, I reported this loke a year ago, still nothing, so not sure if something will happen.


    hahahahahhahahahahahhahah lol just lol

    1st- we shouldn't use addons but the shit ain't working simple as that

    2nd- i didn't expect this from an admin. we are playing on the same server right? it took from the beginning of 5.4.8 to now for the inv to be fixed

    and yes i know they are working hard on things but at the end


  2. Damn they look really nice! Really liked the tricks with the glider. And i like your ui too which is strange cus i hate uis with tidyplates.

    And the music in the Vendetta EP 1 was just mindblow.

    I don't know how long it took you to make it but keep making more.

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