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  1. You got me wrong, i'm not applying to get the character back , im more of trying to understand the situation and WHY i get banned for something is not even my mistake, look at the screenshot the person it self telling me that the account is MINE now and i own it, but then i get banned and charged with points for selling it ? is that a joke ? also please write in English if possible
  2. Greetings people, Been hearing a lot about Panda wow even though I stopped playing it , I decided to randomly open the website and here comes a shock that I got banned for a situation happened before I quit. About the ban: https://gyazo.com/a62a69fd55f1f62bbf4b696edd6b0fff , a friend of me messaged me about that the GM being harsh toward him because of a character i SOLD and they started telling him that i scammed him, when i didnt because i sold him a character that an old ,,friend" GAVE it to me, Proof: https://gyazo.com/0a0a3bf1423da1ff8b2170fe0c059c38 So as you see in this screenshot the person called Cailla gave me the whole account and since then i haven't seen her playing it even tho i was begging her to use the account no matter what , but she dont and i just kept using the account normally for almost a year, but then she suddenly appeared and decided to report about her character when i sold it and the GMs without even questioning me neither going on a deep discussion with her about the situation to confirm stuff, they just went straight to ban claim back the character and ban me and charge me points so i get perma banned if i dont pay back the price they put OUT OF NO WHERE: https://gyazo.com/a62a69fd55f1f62bbf4b696edd6b0fff I'm actually confused is that how you guys dealing with every situation ? not caring at all what's the other person story and just straight banning careless ? or it's just a person treatement with me only ? its not the first time happens neither second neither third so let me know what's the exact issue and where is my mistake selling a character i own (BY OWNER WORDS) and why would i be charged points that gonna get me perma banned even tho my account is suspended already. Character name: Ertus
  3. Greetings, I want to suggest to add every tattoo on the game especially the colored ones, would be amazing, also if you guys customize them and make them as a obtainable item, would be insane , even donor is fine because it's worth it if that happen, i think it's needs item template then create it with a display id, there is about 5-6-7 tattoos in the game, but i can only 1 in the website unfortunately, and it's a shirt means that i have to remove my visual shirt to use it but it's a great idea if i will be able to transmog chest into a Tattoo. Here an example of the colored tattoos: https://gyazo.com/91811f7be07bdcf1828602eff150f0da https://gyazo.com/7acfa03eb7b54fc791fb72e225047303 https://gyazo.com/231768490b2af298ed50387c8e458cdd https://gyazo.com/fa121b329e902c251c41e02d0e696305
  4. 50 Charge, means that you can use it 50 time ^^ The price is 250 bonuses / 500 silver
  5. Greetings, Yes but as you see it says there is a 50 charge on the item and each person in Gurubashi has a 10-12 character MINIMUM. So I guess it's not a problem for them, nor donating so no that's not a great solution I guess would be better if they take it off PvP zones, so we can all play a fair game. И я надеюсь, что умный парень понял последнее, что вы указали, по крайней мере, вы написали на его языке. xD
  6. 1: your thoughts don't matter 2: doesn't matter if I'm the first or last, all matters that they know what kind of abuse going on. 3: you really make no sense in your comment 4: since I'm the first who wrote it, of course, you will hear it for the first time A reminder this post isn't made for you and your opinion doesn't matter unless the GMs open a public vote.
  7. I don't know what my name has to do with that topic, it's just a name I'm not supposed to be Russian to write a Russian name smart boy.
  8. I have been playing world PvP for a while, it's never been balanced and fair from the multi-character abuse to multi-box to multi-shamans, etc etc, none of this got fixed over these years and it's got ignored and we passed this situation even tho it's still a problem in world PVP, nowadays some new abusable item in trend AKA [Cursed Talisman] & [Falling Flame] https://gyazo.com/cd19f65e05144cb7905c34d8b0b173f5 https://gyazo.com/2ae4bdb6122b0b884a70ddfdcdba9541 Those items are being abused so badly in world PvP especially by the alliance since it has no limit on usage and can be farmed in the game with 50 charges each means that each character of this tryhards own the item, and you cannot have any fun anymore against this rogues players when they use these toys whenever they almost died, also they can cast [blind] while immune so they can alt-tab easily to another character and kill the target, After they burst and fail to kill someone and being almost died this is their rotation Cursed Talisman -> Blind -> Falling flame -> Alt-tab another rogue. how can the game be enjoyable in this case? Honestly, I'm not going to suggest the limit of usage or any of these kinds of things because they have a lot of endless characters so it's not a problem for them, I suggest to REMOVE it completely from the XFUN realm at least since this is the only place where the world PVP is populated to make the game Lil bit fair if possible lol. I guess I'm not asking for much only to remove these such abusable items because personally, I'm not enjoying this game right now because of that, and let's be real only people enjoying it are whom using these toys, I hope you guys pay enough attention to this situation.
  9. Greetings PandaWoW Administrators I never wanted to do that before but someone crossed the limit hopefully I don't get my report deleted or ignored like the others, months passed and Christina still abusing her power and muting me and others for sure without a valid reason (talking about most of the time) how I get mutes for saying "your mom" as a joke but when I report someone for saying the same thing, that what I get answered: https://gyazo.com/723779198498c277fd2a95fa9416344e, that a 1% of the stupid replies she says about my reports anyway's. Christmas event started and responsible for the event decided to pick it in a World PvP Zone, I and my friend decided to gank in this zone, and that is what happened: https://gyazo.com/6da3bc3d777d1c9dd70eb3ddd786d2af https://gyazo.com/5564b72e913f177461b8e29556bd86f4 Here I got scammed by an old friend of mine and I reported it as well, but someone seems upset about it, rumors went to proof somehow, also nice staff behavior, keep going: https://gyazo.com/8d4eb8b53a1c815d096e7c5c516a062f The most stupid part is this today and yesterday too, that's not the first time this happen, a fresh discord server was created today and many people joined it and Christina was there (i will keep this detail for who assisting the report), I wrote a joke to her PLAYER char and seems like she didn't like it so she instantly logged her GM account to take the action, yes I got muted 7 Day for saying "recruiting toilet cleaners" https://gyazo.com/3e8eec4f77a260720f04ff4d23d5b07e What is funnier I said the same thing in the fresh discord server that I mentioned and I got banned on both my accounts. https://gyazo.com/477e4c1defdeebe34e468d469537990c https://gyazo.com/3e8eec4f77a260720f04ff4d23d5b07e I've sent a report to GM Jegerm of mom insults by discord user Katara and he got banned after couple hours " i've checked" then i never wrote again two day's later i got banned from the discord server "Ertus#6666" i don't even have to ask who banned me because i'm sure it's christina, like why! if her mate checked the chat and found nothing wrong by me, why would you ban me then ? https://gyazo.com/e5fdd64b94999847363ecc0392ba9c67 She even said a long time ago that she can do it which is completely wrong to apply actions on the game about what happened outside the game! https://gyazo.com/682c13153386d9aae2589f20db96ada5 Do not get me wrong in this report, it's not about that she doing her job, unfortunately its because she can't do her job , server going down badly and she have hand on that, yet she still muting/banning when the server so dead.
  10. [Foot Ball] A fun item, i can't find it ingame nor website so please add it.
  11. [Foot Ball] A fun item, i can't find it in NPCS nor shops so please add it.
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