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  1. hello, good afternoon, I would like to report this shaman who is doing wintrade https://prnt.sc/Wj3jrVuS0jC0 https://prnt.sc/QyCuNp8g1NCd And also in your record it appears that you beat the same people several times, I hope you can solve this problem
  2. SERVER : XFUN NAME :Kitsune ACCOMPLICE: Shankutq Hello good afternoon I wanted to see if you can ban kitsune, the reason is that he uses autotrap and also ban his accomplice who is shankutq Here I leave the proof :
  3. here is the video REINO : XFUN NAME: Kalden https://cp.pandawow.me/en/armory/char-3-4282563.html
  4. I reported this person for fly hack and I found him connected, I don't understand the reason why he was unbanned, I hope they can solve it https://cp.pandawow.me/en/armory/char-3-6753908.html
  5. I want this player to be banned for using fly hack I hope they can fix it REINO : XFUN https://cp.pandawow.me/en/armory/char-3-6753908.html crsitina this is reshimq here I leave some photos https://prnt.sc/ZpbxTR6UI_4V https://prnt.sc/E33Vrasf8HJO https://prnt.sc/qaizXC7LBlQn
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