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warlockenjoyer last won the day on March 1 2023

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  1. u are using a fucking item from 1.11.0 expansion and the description itself says it shouldnt work past lvl 60 and even the guys who used it at the time and tested it said it wasnt working anymore in newer expansions, please stfu and get banned for bug abusing, that item isnt supposed to work in our expansion and u are abusing that bug
  2. cry, it didnt work in 2009 on 3.0.3 patch and u are saying it should work in 5.4.8 patch, lmfao clown
  3. cry more, u arent supposed to be using low level items with weird mechanics and many times those items are bugged and perfectly functional vs high level players which is the case here, all admins have to do is test it themselves 100 times and see how many of those 100 times it works, if it works more than 1 out of 100 times that will mean the item is bugged and so u are abusing a bug, very simple, l2p u are using a low level item that u arent supposed to be using because its supposed to not work at all on lvl90 players
  4. 1. Tessuya 2. xfun 3. uses https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115310 +https://www.wowhead.com/item=18639/ultra-flash-shadow-reflector , Using Revival + this low level trinket reflects all the damage that dispelling all the https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=131736 warlocks have active cause, which instant kills any affliction warlock in the batteground that has used more than 4 Unstable afflictions, when using Revival+that trinket each UA dispelled returns between 160 and 220k back to the warlock which results in a insta kill of the warlock, all because of a very low level trinket from a very old expansion that isnt supposed to work on lvl 60+ players and we are lvl 90 players, ban this bug abuser ty, and thats not the only monk abusing this shit, Milkshake is another monk that i caught using it but i didnt screenshot him with the item, i will if i can, these retard bug abusers deserve ban for this shit link to the item https://www.wowhead.com/item=18639/ultra-flash-shadow-reflector
  5. thank god, please, if u guys can do that it will be awesome
  6. give the option to disable it, i hate wod models and many other people too, is the main reason i never played any expansion past MOP
  7. clown anton stop making shitty reports like this
  8. he is mentally ill, thats how he is
  9. yeah exactly, but he knows, he did get up there several times on that bg trying to kill me but still not being able to, he just a bad player and mad and a fucking rat
  10. he cant, he probably hired someone on fiverr
  11. "There is no way to get there except by glider" u are a fucking rat i cant believe this shit lmao, u did get up there several times but still didnt manage to get a single kill, you are pathetic
  13. he is a crying dog, isnt it funny he always calls everyone cry dog? meanwhile he the one crying and the dog+rat hybrid
  14. yeah, lol
  15. can we ban him for making false reports trying to get a player banned unfairly?? is it allowed to do false reports with malice???
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