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Everything posted by Pablous

  1. It is impossible to realize your proposal. You are forcing some people to change specialization because your opinion is; too many healers is not ok. this is an opinion and not a fact, which immediately invalidates your point of view. Suppose this is still observed then it means to me, for example, that in the evening hours I am almost forced to play a DPS because the teams are too 'strong' in your opinion. This makes panda-wow no longer a 'free' game for me. Don't get me wrong, I get where your thought process is coming from. Sometimes we are in a battleground with a total of 6–7 healers during a 15v15. But as Nyancat says, as soon as an enemy team deploys a double affliction warlock who knows how his rotation works, you are immediately lost with only 1–2 healers. Now imagine this being deployed effectively, how many people do you think would have been helped? And how many do you think would have been lost because of this decision?
  2. Affliction warlocks ruin BG game play in pwow. using mannorths fury + seeds exceeds in tons of dmg wich isn't healable. i used to outheal on full cd as restro shaman, yet several bgs i even die using full burst and only having warlock dots on me. its bullshit.
  3. This topic is about Uh Dks 'summon gargoyle'. often i notice Uh dk's are hitting hard in bg whilest not being in melee range, as i have noticed this i made a screenshot about my last death due to a gargoyle. this one in particular hit me for 91k whilest being unbuffed at the time. i tried mirroring that dmg by dueling other dk's and these cannot get past the range of 65k crit. i don't know how it is possible but having a 3th pet scratching up to 91k dmg on a 2 sec cast is absolutely insane.
  4. Side note. This guy is from Isreal, therefor i the "buried nex to your mother" is taken differently
  5. Dear gm's. i'd like to report this player due to insulting me ingame. telling me he will burie me next to my mother, calling out "i kill dogs like you here" and even telling me to get cancer "kanker" in dutch language means cancer. i will provide screenshots of the chat. this is absurt coming from a player like this. i hope i have informed you well enough to handle the situation regarding Nestlea, aka Luffyace. @ Fun server Kind regards, Thanosbro/pablous
  6. My trinket doesn't work the way is suppose to work Link to trinket -- https://www.wowhead.com/item=94510/volatile-talisman-of-the-shado-pan-assault it says: Equip: Each time your harmful spells hit, you have a chance to gain 37 haste for 10 sec. (15% chance, 55 sec cooldown) (Proc chance: 15%, 55s cooldown), now as a restro shaman i use this trinket becuase the haste is very strong when procs. however it says "Harfum spell hits" wich means if my spells hit it should have a chance to proc. Now when i cast Flame shock (DOT) it gives a harmfull spell hit every 3 seconds but my trinket WON'T proc, whenever i cast a few lightning bolts it does pop but not very often. According to the database and on youtube this trinket should proc on Flame shock dots aswell but on Pandawow x100 it doesn't. i rate this bug a 7/10 becuase its annoying as hell when i fight Bosses, i need to cast alot of DPS's spells in order to get a proc.
  7. In wow all heirlooms are account bound and you can enchant them and always mail to your character on the same account and server. as far as i know you also are able to enchant any kind of heirloom and sell it to a alt, the enchant will scale due to level differences. However i found out you're able to enchant pretty much any heirloom BESIDE the SHOULDER ones, all of them are unable to be mailed to a alt if you've used a Shoulder enchant on it, For example "Greater Tiger Fang Incription". Whenever these are enchanted you cannot mail this heirloom to your excisting alt. Therefor a screenshot what it looks like to not mail the item; https://imgur.com/a/rJwscSs Please fix this and maybe i can get all my heirloom shoulders back? Regards, Thanosbrox100
  8. The pvp guest named Conrol! where you have to return 2 flags or defend 2 bases is bugged
  9. Here you see Evilwatch & elegane afking 24/7 in bg to gain points while doing nothing. mention calling out "fisting ur mom" that's legal?
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