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Everything posted by Exclusively

  1. @DeadMouse There is an error in the sets with the language in Spanish can this be solved?
  2. I had the same problem and used Avira Phantom VPN (to update the Launcher) Everything works perfectly... but now I have one more problem If I open Launcher and hit PLAY, the window remains frozen at this point. I have to go to the Panda WoW folder and open PandaWoW-64 to be able to play
  3. Send it through Discord or privately here to the administration in case these errors need to be fixed so that no one knows and avoid abuse while it is resolved
  4. The BOSS once you talk to him he just follows you but you are not in combat at any time It also happens in the Kingdom X100 PvP
  5. This toy is used by people to throw other players off their mounts and cause them to fall to their deaths.
  6. Hello, I don't know if this is normal or if the administration knew about the problem. For example, if I get 8/8 I must keep these clothes in my bags If once learned, I delete an object (suddenly in the chat it appears that I have deleted the appearance and it disappears) So, there are a lot of clothes in the game (and there are not enough bags to store everything) In collections there are about 45 sets (and many are 5/5 and 7/7 and 8/8) saving EVERYTHING is impossible... unless you add bags of 100 units but there are thousands of outfits and objects that disappear if you don't keep them in your bag
  7. @Seanone option number 3 Avira Phantom VPN
  8. @Seanone thanks it helped me.. Now I can play although it is the first time I have to use a program to play Pandawow
  9. Today for the first time, it won't let me enter the game using the Launcher! A window pops up where it says (A TASK WAS CANCELED) I even did everything that is written here. After 3 hours of testing, uninstalling, updating and restarting... the same thing is still happening... I don't understand why it is so complicated for some people, they open the launcher and play as simple as that... like me, many people have had various problems with the launcher I'm going to a friend's house to use panda wow and if it works out I'll take the files home...
  10. you have to use the PandaWoW Launcher If you read the message it tells you in the chat... you need to update it
  11. I wanted to ask the administration if it would be possible to enable this option.. I perfectly understand that it would be an abuse to be able to do the 4 modalities in one week. but at the same time there would also be more people banding during the week to meet this requirement... More than anything today I wanted to do 10 Normal and I couldn't since I completed 25N 3 days ago and like everything here in pandawow... today I can't access 10 Normal... but last night something happened that I was able to access perfectly and I reached boss number 10/14 so there is an error and it can be skipped (although I don't know how to do it)
  12. @twistwoskiy in English your character you have 104% Mastery and in Spanish it shows that you have Expertise 104% all the Shamans are BROKEN... and I'm not complaining... because it's not a competition to be TOP 1... in DPS... that's what Affli witches are for, they exceed 4 million constant dps in aoe
  13. So if what you say is true and you have a shaman... do you have to accept that you also do the same thing? and you don't report this problem and instead, you report it to another player because all the shamans on the server do the same damage as this player There are even shamans with item level 560 who do triple the dps of a 588 player.
  14. These screenshots don't tell me anything... and they don't prove anything, and everyone knows that you can't trust the website because it's not instantaneous. and you cannot demonstrate, for example... the exact moment This could be accepted if you are in a gang with this player, and at the same time you enter his panel and show that the statistics do not match For example... he is attacking a boss without having any mastery on his clothes. You enter their panel and see that % of mastery that you say then we must debate and investigate... if this is a visual error. or a bug where it benefits the shaman and must be repaired But you also have to be aware that many players play their classes without knowing that they are broken. and others who are aware of it and abuse it
  15. @twistwoskiy stop insisting please.. With my priest I can have 320% speed for 2 minutes. Legally and I'm not going to say where it is obtained... and it is totally legal... (although it can only be used in that area) And if you go to my dashboard and take a screenshot... and report me for not understanding ANYTHING the same case if you are a Warlock 8/8 + Chiji 25% critical, mastery and haste on the eternal island Let's see if you reach 300% mastery Stop trying to bother a player who hasn't done anything illegal. I hope that the administration puts measures in place for players with false complaints and that they have a penalty. The screenshots do not prove ANYTHING... you do not have any conclusive evidence to prove that this player is doing something wrong.. If you have evidence, video, screenshots... then I invite you to attach it right here... and I will agree with you... otherwise stop crying and solve your problems with this player outside the forum... 1vs 1 for example..
  16. @arkashka Don't give explanations... the administration is not going to ban you because a player is jealous and invents stupid things... the Staff runs into people like that every day...
  17. @twistwoskiy stop crying, it's incredible that you open a post to report a player for knowing how to play He is not the only shaman who does dps... apparently you are after him because of other quarrels... stop bothering the administration for nonsense please...
  18. @REDHILL You are missing information in your contributions. -> Now... as long as this error is not fixed... in the phase where The Lich King breaks the ground, If you don't do this simply go outside and come back in then you will fall to the final boss... ->About the achievement, which you should have if you complete it (The Traitor King 25j) it works but it is not easy for a random player... and even less so if you go alone You need a strategy... and at least 3 players to help you... 1 healer, 1 a player who eliminates the giant spiders... and another who only focuses on the beetles... every time the boss hides, beetles will come out just be patient...
  19. @Wokoko Top 1 in what? This player has nothing on this server.. he only does PVP BG.. and he is not that good of a player and he has no progress in anything @Xeshant By the way, you can get to the area without using anything... just go up the mountain and jump.. But using objects... or pets and the druid's mushroom to get there has been going on here for years.
  20. with all due respect I'm tired of kingdom X100 PVP. I was very calm playing in X5 PVE.. they forced me to move to the X100 PVP realm.. and here the armed players, 589. abusing and killing players who are learning or trying to equip themselves on the timeless island. If this continues like this I'm going to leave this server... I've played here for 10 years but I'm already very burned out I ask the administration to please deactivate the PVP... and whoever wants to activate it... so I can play in peace
  21. that's a strategy... there are 3 ways to make the Boss 1-> everyone on the THRONE... no death star is going to hurt you because it is not within range) 2- in the middle (you will have to kill the 2 engineers so that they do not release any stars 3- what is usually done (next to the throne if you kill the engineer on the right) and let the star on the left side pass) I don't see anything wrong here... (you were wrong)
  22. After 2 months, this problem has still not been solved (since it is impossible to advance if the NPC does not accumulate the marks to break the wall)
  23. The same thing happened to me, now everything is fine for me Thank you!! very efficient always solving problems @DeadMouse
  24. very serious accusations without evidence of it, So this is dangerous for you..
  25. Can you say that GM is abusing it? Do you have proof of what you are saying, screenshots of this Incursion where 2 GM felt offended because they were kicked out? and they decided to abuse their rank? I think you're confused... no GM does this.
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