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  1. i don't have any questions but some guy wont using discord or something, and that chatbox can to be use for server news too, it will get more visibility
  2. And yes, you can add 1. suggestion and lock to only Administrators can write, and when there is news from administrator or something you put there, and it will be have better visibility to everyone who enter forum. (example: any news about game, link of topic where is announcement )
  3. I would frist thanks for you because added / installed IPS ( Ips Community Suite) It's very easy to use it, i have good experience with that. I got few suggestions 1. Add Chatbox ( that are when you enter site have chat and there peoples can ask some questions to gms or admins or disscuss about something or chatting ) 2. Add some themes ( there alot themes you can use, there got wow themes, games themes, don't use the default one, you can have more themes at once ) 3. Add Staff Online ( When is Staff online, or GM or ADMIN it will shown from right side 4. Optimise themes ( for better loading,etc) 5. It will good to add icons on groups, i can make them. 6. Add connection with discord ( that can be added, and it will shown where you put it, there will be loaded channels, how much members, etc ) 7. Add to groups be glowed with light, it is very better when you see role and it glowing. I got more suggestions ^^
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