1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=73975
Now necrotic strike dont benefits from PvP power.
3. Healing absorb from Necrotic strike should benefit from PvP power. Proofs:
1) I test it on PTR 5.4.x and here is my post with screenshots http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=51479&p=399713&viewfull=1#post399713 . He is in Russian, but as you can see at calculations, necrotic strike was benefit from pvp power on PTR.
(3:38 - 3:43). 1 necro with two trinkets + orc racial (without fallen crusader proc) absorbs 76.5k healing. We dont know exactly, how much attack power this dk have. But we can calculate a necrotic strike absorb with my stats http://s013.radikal.ru/i323/1510/d8/cb9ec21399ca.png (108687 attack power with two trinkets proc, fully geared).
(108687 * 2.25) - 80% resilience = 48909. Without pvp power, necrotic strike absorbs less than it should be (according to PTR and movie from official server)
4. 30.10.15
5. x100
6. 6/10