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Everything posted by jbaquero94

  1. Name: Orcosham - Elguapetong Realm: Fun Description: FLy-hacking in bg Evidence: http://imgur.com/3uMza9F
  2. Name: Strílííng Realm: Fun Description: I'm not sure if this is bannable but he was using Censer of Eternal Agony http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102467/censer-of-eternal-agony in order to kill people from his own faction Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/5h9rVXq.jpg
  3. Name: Rsrsz Realm: Fun Description: Dk hacking to get under the map and take people out of it by using death grip Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/Er8ax3l.jpg
  4. Name: Chandeasd Realm: Fun Description: hacking in mulgore Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/ABxnMEX.jpg
  5. Name: Garwaszxc Realm: Fun Description: hacking in mulgore Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/ASRbsZU.jpg
  6. Name: 㒪㔶䪍 Realm: Fun Description: Hacking in bg (dropping people under the map) then he said he knows how to avoid bans, so i hope this is enough evidence to get him ip-perma-banned Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/vd3hcOY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aZFAXwj.jpg
  7. Name: Hazbekas Realm: Fun Description: hacking in bg (he was dropping people under the map by using lethal attraction) Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/PjPVirW.jpg
  8. Not working at all, now when we try to login either stays at connecting or stays at correct, is there something wron with the Fun realm? x100 is going just fine
  9. As I said it's not only happening to me, many people i know in game are having the same issue, they are from different countries but we all have the same issue I got a Windows 10 Pro 64-bit pc Intel Core I3-3240 3.4 GHz 4 gb Ram With an Nvidia Geforce Gtx 650 Graphic Card So I Guess it's pretty much enough to hold the game since i've been playing here for a very long time
  10. Good evening Mr. GM in charge The reason I opened this thread is because me as well as many of my friends are having issues when logging in, every time we try to log a character we get what could be called: "an eternal lag" what i mean with that is everything gets pretty much paralized, we are not able to do anything, from chatting to joining bgs. The realm we are from is Fun I hope we can get a solution for this or if there is a thread explaining the situation we'd be happy to know about it. (I don't speak russian though, this is the reason I opened this thread in english) Regards
  11. Thanks dfabel, didn't know how to do it :)
  12. Name: 詹姆斯詹 Realm: Fun Description: FLy-hacking in bg Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/o0oQChU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3jf3un3.jpg Comments: Why not just ip-ban them to avoid re-incidences or maybe use an anti-hacking script in the server?
  13. the achiev is working now, but you get the mounts only in one of your chars, even if you have over 200 mounts in another character as well
  14. jbaquero94


    gracias por el consejo pero el guild master no soy yo sino mi amigo alcheemist, es decepcionante oir que solo 2 raids funcionen pero quisiera preguntar a parte de msv cual otra funciona? :) por el momento no tenemos requisitos ya que nuestra hermandad apenas se está formando pero en el servidor anterior el requerimiento de ilvl era de 485 en items pve, mi caza era 495 ilvl pve y 490 ilvl pvp (malevolo mejorado con puntos de honor por el momento) en la anterior ya cruzamos veranda en n y camaras en h asi q no será gran problema :) también ya que no todos los miembros de la hermandad contaban con buen hardware, algunos (como yo) jugamos en laptops, no teniamos requerimiento de raidcall ya que a muchos les "lerdeaba" la compu tampoco tendremos dicho requerimiento en la nueva hermandad ^^ Saludos Jbaq
  15. jbaquero94

    mop raids?

    i guess that's a no :S ok thx
  16. jbaquero94


    hola a todos, soy nuevo en el server, solia estar en otro pero me cansé de sus promesas sin fin las cuales nunca cumplían :) en fin, tengo un caza instalado ahi cuyo nombre es jbaq (alianza) para los que me quieran buscar :) junto con otros amigo empezamos una pequeña hermandad alianza en el mismo reino, sus nombres son audioslavee, alcheemist y algamon, tenemos bastante conocimiento en raids de mop y queremos que nuestra hermandad sea la mejor hermandad pve de habla hispanica y latina en todo el reino como lo eramos en el servidor del que venimos, si quieren unirsenos tan solo dejenos un mensaje y con gusto les agregaremos Buscamos también mas hermandades latinas para establecer alianzas y hacer juntos PVE :good: Desde Pandawow x100 Jbaq Humano Cazador ^^
  17. jbaquero94

    mop raids?

    hi everyone i'm new to the server :) so the first thing i wanted to know is what mop raids are working? i already took a look at http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46714 but i see no information about Terrace of endless Spring, Hearth of fear, Throne of thunder nor Siege of Orgrimmar so i wanted to know if those raids are working I hope i get on well with all of you I got plenty of knowledge about MOP raids so if u want to find me i'm jbaq (human hunter) at pandawow x100 :wink:
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