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Everything posted by Soulscream

  1. I agree with you Twigger,but you try way too hard to make us look like idiots.
  2. Nah I just mean by having the gm that can assist us in any way ingame,it would be better than what we have now at least.
  3. Yep,we need more English GMs on each realm. And I don't mean GM that uses google translate like Juster ( no offense ),but an actual GM with English knowledge who is able to help the vast majority of English speaking community or take out the great number of hackers instantly on Pandawow fun,10 or 100. Would be appriciated if some feedback was given here,thanks.. And yeah,I know this isn't the right thread or right time to post this but someone had to do it.
  4. Thanks Xera bro you're awesome,I've been fucking my files over and over again , thinking that the connection problem is in ME,not DDos,thanks dude.
  5. Let me get this straight. YOU consider that it's more important to fix 1000 stat diffirence than the 24/7 abusable duration? How is that not ungrateful? Contender people can top BG with it,constant 7k haste,str etc,but since you're ungrateful,you think that fixing the stat which is pathetic 1000 diffirence more important. Get your facts straight ;)
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=63523 use your brain if you have it dumbfuck.
  8. It has no cooldown,which is more important to be fixed than agility it gives,stop being so ungrateful.
  9. It's well known that shado pan offensive trinkets are bugged (example,7000 haste one.) How ? They have 24/7 combat uptime,they start,end , reset same moment they end,untill you exit combat. The worst part ? Instead of fixing it,you added it for donation points. Explain?
  10. I would like too introduce the new guild to this Pandawow community,so here it goes. :) is a newly formed,English speaking , Alliance PvP guild. We only invite level 90 people ,regardless of their gear / iLvl with at least basic PvP knowledge. The guild focuses on strict PvP,which means farming premade battlegrounds,doing 2v2 arenas to help lower geared players,doing PvP events and the most important part - having high rated 2v2 and 3v3 teams who will aim for elite gear when the majority gets geared in full Grievous set. We have a website under development,and TS channel will be released when the time is right. The guild is only a few hours old ,which means that needs OFFICERS - and you can apply by whispering me ingame (Kry). Our priority as of now is reaching GLVL 25. The rules are quite simple and straight-foward. -No racism - No caps raging in any channels -No exploiting - English only in gchat -No scamming / ninjaing. Proving your worth will get you higher ranks in the guild. Any additional info can be asked ingame - Kry,Human Warlock. Thanks for reading,and cheers :)
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  11. Date tested : 30th of April Spell name : http://db.pandawow.me?item=45781 How it's bugged : Your ember tap acts as if no glyph is active,however this spell used to work perfectly on pandawow. SS : http://postimg.org/image/rq3t6om7r/ (Notice that I have the glyph active and I used ember tap a moment ago.) Priority : Solid 8 / 10 , a major healing boost.
  12. Most important melee utility - UP!!!
  13. bump!!! fix it asap
  14. Date tested : 19.April Spell name : Sparring Wowhead link and description of the spell : http://db.pandawow.me?spell=116023 How it's bugged : Doesn't work at all
  15. C'mon
  16. Ignore option does not work at all,the ignored player can still whisper you and you can still see what he's typing in any chat. This is really annoying cos of the spammers and raging kids after the arena,please fix it asap. Thank you.
  17. When can we expect it,and if you can't fix the scenario script,can you make us able to get it some other way?
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  18. Date tested: 9.3 Spell name : http://db.pandawow.me?spell=109784 Problem : It doesn't stun and it doesn't generate burning embers. Priority: 9/10,if this report gets ignored like all my other bug reports then I will stop reporting cos nobody gives a fuck.
  20. Date tested :5.3.14 Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115176 Evidence: http://postimg.org/image/792vfkdp9/ Description of the problem : The Zen Meditation 90% damage reduction and animation cancels the first second you use it,it only gives you the BUFF which doesn't do ANYTHING AT ALL. Priority : 113913919331145612/10 PANDAWOW STAFF,PLEASE STOP IGNORING MY SPELL REPORTS!
  21. Date tested :5.3. Spell name : http://db.pandawow.me?spell=122280 Explanation of the problem : It gives double heals on expel harm,it's only supposed to heal when you drink brew or potion,this makes it a huge positive bug and a lot of WW monks are abusing this bug. Evidence : http://postimg.org/image/founsotzd/ Realm: 100x Priority: 10/10 PS: PLEASE,CHECK OUT MY OTHER REPORTS ABOUT CHI WAVE,ARCHIMONDE'S DARKNESS,BLOOD HORROR AND MORE SPELL BUGS ON MY PROFILE!!!
  22. Nice google translate English ;)
  23. I'm pretty sure it bounces between you and your target in WW and BW spec.
  24. Btw same bug for bloody dancing steel , spirit of conquest,dancing steel and all other proc enchants. !!
  25. Date tested :2.3 Spell name/How it should work : http://db.pandawow.me?spell=48018 How it works : It doesn't give you the demonic circle buff,it lasts for less than 2 seconds then dissapears,but the circle stays. Priority : 6/10 Realm : 100x
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