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  1. Instead of normally responding to me you send me this...ah im tired of this...have a nice day
  2. Name: Zicqo Realm: Fun Reason: Bug abuse Date: until 2016-07-06 21:53:04 I have no idea why i got banned...Just bought new warlock, play 2 or 3 bgs daily and yesterday 5.7.2016 when i wanted to log in my acc ingame, i realized im banned...Dont know about any bug abusing...And didnt find anything in the forum either....Maybe if you could help me so i can be more carefull in this "bug abusing" i have no idea about thx
  3. Name: Drpwn uh dk Realm: Fun or instant or whats that He uses dmg hack...First he had something like meele attack speed buff or what.,...He did like 20 meele attacks in 2 seconds..We raped him, then he turned on some kind of dmg hack and instant killed us...For whispers to turn it off and play FAIR GAME he answered fuck off...such a virgin :)[ATTACH=CONFIG]47311[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47312[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47313[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47314[/ATTACH] In screenshots you can see also his partner resto shaman...Btw may i ask..You ban only accounts?...Cause i would say thats the same DK that used to hack week ago...Thx for reading this, have a nice day.
  4. yep and now he also oneshotted me on mw monk :)
  5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]45427[/ATTACH] Few minutes ago i posted thread with dk hacker...when i loggen in game again there was another one called Derminlacer (human female fire mage)...and both guys the DK Dwariqq with some weird "a" and this guy were playin arenas with Crowdcontrol (warrior)...so i would say its the same virgin..please fix this thing fast so we can finally play again fair games thx :)
  6. [ATTACH=CONFIG]45415[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45416[/ATTACH] I would say thats strong dmg dont you think?...Check combat log :)
  7. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43409[/ATTACH] 9k slam...hmmm :)..hiting 70k+
  8. Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...Fix ferals mastery...
  9. For buy 60 bonuses, send SMS with text 4505 user 562571 a short number 7604 SMS cost: 1.596 евро (with VAT) Attention, there are spaces in SMS! This is what it says to me...I do exactly what is written there, but always when I do, my operator sends me message back that operation I was trying to do cannot be done because number or something is wrong...what should I do then?..Thx for answer ;)
  10. This is what it should do... Your Fire Blast and Inferno Blast spells now also spread Living Bomb, cause Frost Bomb to instantly explode, and cause Nether Tempest to instantly fire its secondary damage at all nearby targets....It does nothing...Please fix it quick...I would say thats the most important stuff for frost mages expecially at this patch...thx alot ;) peace
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