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  1. Since Pandawow is dead add me on Fortnite so I can clap your ass in a 1v1 . You wont no balls Peos#8196 discord
  2. No we don't need these things in pwow in order to resurrect it . What we need is a community manager who can approach players , approach servers , advertise the server and organize tournaments. AKA somebody who loves the server and loves what he is doing. Not somebody who does everything like its a chore from fixing bugs , to talking to his community. FUCK ZEOX plain and simple. PS: if mr.Zeox is offended by this , let us explain what happened to this server and why is it dying like this , after all its his "business" he should know. This place has only gone to shit due to him. Stay woke.
  3. people still play this game ? also Zeox , did you get any good at this game ?
  4. ^ Tru dat.
  5. peoswarrior best warrior . come at me
  6. yo Zeox your server is dying do something get some marketing skills or maybe hire somebody to do that for you ...
  7. Wait wait. You main priest right ? So you are fine with playing as triple priest several times on high mmr against legit comps ?? And let me tell you the odds of that happening are pretty high since class representation is not a problem right now cause the past week I have seen more shadow priests then the past 3 years that I have been playing on pwow. If you are fine with that you can simply reply to this with a "yes I'm fine with that" so we can take your bullshit opinion and throw it in the trashcan. I'm sorry but I think nobody really wants it .
  8. oh yeah totally . its fun when you are a rogue and your windwalker or warrior mate fucks every stun dr cause he is fucking bad at the game and he doesn't understand the importance of a stunlock. if you wanna try new / fun / different / not boring comps go get your mates on these classes and que rated . the point of solo q is to play some fun 3s games when you don't have any mates at that time . if you have to pray every time to not get a class that doesn't work with yours you might as well sit afk cause that is not fun . (2 days ago I got like 10 games in a row as rogue/ww .... MUCH FUN , MUCH EXCITEMENT , SOLO Q !! )
  9. can we also ban comps like rogue/ww/x , rogue/warrior/x , hunter/mage/x etc ???? aka comps that don't work and are not fun to play at all. like even double mage performs better than mage/hunter lets say so if you are gonna disable class stacking you might as well do this. we could make a strawpoll and ban the 3 first comps with the higher percentage . opinions
  10. uhmm there is a way to save it but ok . if you don't care about saving it you might as well not make that comment
  11. btw server is dying if you didn't notice . just throwing it out there
  12. My man [21:20:10] [5] [Acidtripsx]: Yoyo Pandawow need to make update server go off in some secs, -----> after that the server was laggy af aka getting ddosed . https://gyazo.com/18337616565d3c575555154a1706b3ef Seems like some people are getting mad at you cause ... you are not delivering. How about you get faster with updates, season etc. Or at least get professional for once in your life and tell us your schedule : what are you planning on doing with the server and WHEN (date) thanks
  13. jeeeesus LOOOL
  14. god.... http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219551 only relevant smoke bomb bug as far as I know . still exists
  15. Dear Pundawauw, When are you gonna apply the fixes that the whole community has been waiting for since .... july ? last season ? last year ? idk stop wasting your time with useless shit
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