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  1. I will try. Thank you!
  2. Correct. I get that message when I tried to log-in in the game. I've also tried logging-in on the website and it won't let me.
  3. Hello, So I decided to get back into PandaWoW after almost a year of being inactive. Since I forgot my password I went ahead and applied for a new one. I tried to log in but it said that my account was closed. Please help if you have any solutions. Thanks in advance! My in game name is marekiller20 Realm: Fun\ Current email: marekiller20@hotmail.com
  4. I cannot connect to Pandawow Fun realm. I got stuck at the realm selection tab but I can log into x100 and x10 realms. This happened 31.3.2014
  5. Yes I fixed the problem, I did not realize that reseting my internet modem would do the job.
  6. When i launch the Pandawow.exe file i get an error that says this: Data\enUS\locale-enUS.MPQ: Cannot stram required archive data. Please check your network connection. I also tried reinstalling WoW several times and restarting my computer but it still says that. Please help.
  7. Today I got muted for no reason! An admin decided to mute me becouse of caps which I did not use in general chat! This happened on the Fun realm on character Catniss when I called for help in the "English" Chat by using caps and only 1 time and that is not a reason to mute someone for 1 hour -.-
  8. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=101643/transcendence When I try to summon a Trascendence it just follows me it does not stay in place and when i try to transfer it does not do anything. I tested this ability on 25 february. I found this bug on Fun. The priority is not that important but i would rate it 7/10.
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