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  1. it saying i have 1300ms but its not my router.. i tried to see pings on games and its ok... logging in game takes long.. and i get ingame latency of 1kms..
  2. just like how you would go que alone for bg.. and get team with anyone.. you shoudl just put it to arena too.. so u can que alone without having no teammate require to queu for 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s
  3. topic ..... i coud b4 now i cant??
  4. daggers to 1h or claws.. i did it b4 but now ic ant..
  5. can other peopel see you with ur tmoprh??
  6. Bug?.. when I cast, it goes to an aoe without the blade furry. How it shuld work. .. only1 target..
  7. http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=213962/wind-reavers-dagger-of-quick-strikes its not on the location... is it bug
  8. http://i57.tinypic.com/xg9jrs.png loose of control.. alls in show full duration
  9. i have all on show full duration.. http://i57.tinypic.com/xg9jrs.png
  10. for single players... and any dmg macros?? burst macros... usefull macros.. already got my death grip n death pact n a soon to be 1shot macro..
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