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  1. realm i think i said x100 the topic is the raid name i posted in the last phase and how it should work you know what, there is something you didnt ask (how to fix it ? ) nvm keep things as they are i actually left the server because i only read and see most of whats written is the opposite i joined this server because there trails about pve server of patch 5.4 which what i only saw is raids of older releases like thunder isle is bugged -.-' i hope this server grow better and as we saw and read about it is comes true in future i might be back to check it but for now i don't think i'll be that interesting - - - Updated - - - yup my friend i learned from life that repeating the same thing means its importing to you or you are (upset) about it here's another thing trying to be a smart in something not mush important make you the opposite btw i past the second it was copy of the old post but really did you reply just to say that ?
  2. I've written a topic about it before and it was deleted after one weak due none of the staff read it after about a weak i got the answer really a deletion ! after one weak !! its about eye of eternity in the last phase we ride a dragon but the dragon is bugged the dragon don't have energy to use spells this is the problem the dragon we fight with is bugged it has no energy to use spells server x100 and i just tried it its still bugged instod deleting the topic try to read it it was obvious the problem yet you perfare to delete it ! hopefully it will be answered before a weak and not go on for more than a year or something
  3. i dont know why but i took a look in most of the topics in the forms they arent done yet none answering just few are seen and replayed !! is there anyone reading the form even the raids bug tracker the same topics none answered i still dont understand all those trailers and adds and the news about full patch and working raids in pve i see emptiness at least post something tilling us that you are under hard work and thats slow you down so we could feel good about a good administrating -.-'
  4. hello is anybody here ?
  5. hello i tried to do the eoe raid it works good but in phase 3 when i be mounted on dragon the dragon doesn't have an energy i cant use spells then i end up dead and cant release why do the dragon doesn't have energy ?
  6. okay your read the topic am asking of the x100 a ptr or what less than an our around or even more than 12 dis !!! the realm isnt even caped yet !! this thing been happening for more than 4 days this is realy annoing i cant end a single bg i cant enjoy the game i hope there is a good reason i dont know if this only happen when am online or this is happen all the day these dises kill the game joy
  7. yah !! http://im60.gulfup.com/VScU9.png you can see why i leveled here .Even there are some bugs I've seen in the monk class i still didn't try the other classes but if they do have some bugs I will be wondering how do players enjoy pvp also I opened a ticket and now two days passed away none read it!! Is there any helpers or game masters in the server ? or what ? the only thing i see pve is player vs trash like you are doing adds in raids and "the server points at the boss tilling you this is the boss but you cant fight him" literally= (panda wow) I've seen and read about the pve i mean even the trial tills about pve is good so if am wrong and the raids works fine please i want more info i tried to contact with gms in the game but none respond so could i please get some info's
  8. hello everyone As a new player not in this server only but also in this patch i didn't like the pve side but still am new so i don't know much that's why i posted this question . I leveled to 90 and it was good. I loved how easy and fun the leveling was but when i hit level 90 I started wandering in the lands looking for fun pve stuff, asking as many people as I can. Unfortunately none is answering or so i don't lie few of the few respond. All what I saw is pvp I tried to see the pve side. I was hoping for siege of org raid and that's why i left the wotlk patch also thunder throne. I don't see people do pve much and when I ask them they don't know anything or they say :raids are closed check the form . I checked the form and I didn't find what I want. I want to know are the siege on org and the thunder throne raid working fine or they are not scripted or what and are all the dungeons of 5.4,5.2 patch working or not . btw if they are going to be soon could you please till when
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