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  1. Since when it's queue on Fun realm? I see only 1k players on, did they reduce the player limit ? Or what the hell is going on?
  2. It's the same with Grievous and Tyrannical weapons, I changed my tyrannical 2h wep today to a grievous one and the Pvp power remained the same...
  3. Make Jwc+Alchemy(for the living steel) and make and sell panthers, they sell for 400-500k each.
  4. What ? Do you even english bro ? I have no idea what any of those words mean. Go qq somewhere else please.
  5. Name : Nevvada Realm: PvP Fun realm Description: Using flyhacking in battlegrounds, he was spamming rain of fire over the flag so that we can't cap it. Proof : [ATTACH=CONFIG]49835[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49836[/ATTACH]
  6. Where did you farm them ? Just random mobs in pandaria ? Or some specific spot ?
  7. So I made this stupid mistake of transferring from horde to alliance cause a moron told me alliance wins more battlegrounds. I lost 15 battlegrounds in a row, seriously, does the alliance suck that much here ? Should I go back to horde ? Who wins more bg's? Ally or Horde ?
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