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  1. When you log im your account the bar that's on top (home,news,etc) is dissapearing, so there's no way to go there. Also when you ckick the banner of Panda-WoW in website it changes language to russian automatically.
  2. There is no option to change password of the account. (I don't talk about recovering the password.)
  3. There is no option to change password of the account.
  4. Hello guys at this moment we cannot see if the character is male or female, can we do something about it because for some of us this is important. Thanks.
  5. Hello fellow readers, I am here to talk about the server economy. Since the update to Gold/Silver coins from bonuses we have an economy crash. The buy/sell economy is so hurt that it's almost non-existant because people don't want to add-up to 800 gold coins for example. My suggestion to stablize the economy so the gold coins can start rotating again is Panda-WoW to buyout some of the characters on the forums. Please DO discuss this. Always yours, Peter.
  6. End of the drama please, I bought that char off the shop :)
  7. There isnt a way to get "hacked" if someone could hack a pw on panda-wow it wouldn't be Lefaps account but some GMs. He for sure shared account information with somebody. I even noticed in the guild that he said that some kiki guy/girl "erased" his info because she was accused by his members xD Edit : So if you got it back via email this means the dude HAVE your EMAIL info. Otherwise he CAN NOT change your password ! Check your email logs for different IPs.
  8. So you make a thread that your char is sold? :D
  9. WTS DK With Full PvP / PvE , Arena Master title , 3 transmog sets 10 more titles and 70 mounts overall only for 700+tax On web : Xtalzy / WTS Hunter Full PvE PvP On web : Hardwil 700+tax
  10. Up....
  11. Hello. I think you can check my monk on web WW monk with donor tmog/donor weap tmog/ donor mounts, arena master title and 550 ilvl, 700 + tax on web : Linesftw I also ahve a theme on the forum : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=188331
  12. It's a WindWalker monk with donor tmog - Blue rare set. Donor weap tmog - Hailstorm, donor mounts - Winged Guardian, Celestial Serpent, Arena Master title and much more, 550 ilvl, 700 + tax on web : Linesftw Perfect offer :)
  13. bump.
  14. It has Arena Master title, donor transmog (Horde Grand Marshal set) , donor mounts (Heartsteed , Heavenly Onyx Serpent) and a lot of other stuff and titles. It is on the webshop : Sicktimer ,the price is 700+tax.
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