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  1. people call me noob especially shamans lol . their damage freaking burst - - - Updated - - - OMG NICE girl really who is she
  2. they must be nerfed.their damage insane and they dont get damage absorbs damage reduction check please.i got 525 gear im getting down in 4-5 sec.
  3. dude i dont lie.my ambushes misses most time .roll a rogue and see.or its just me encountering this bug????
  4. i got %6 hit ratio but i got %16 miss chance lol .all my ambushes misses i cant hit with most attack often i see miss. [ATTACH=CONFIG]45694[/ATTACH]
  5. LOL you are so funny dude. i know this game played on orginal server enough.every1 is cheater here.its not hard to agrre with.come and duel me with low gear.ill show you skill vs gear!!!!HACKERS...
  6. arenas bullshit some CHEATERS do damage hack. undergeared stupids kills us LOL me and my partner 522 ilvl .killed by 350 k hp warriors :D . private server everything can be happen !!!!
  7. some guys do fcking insane damage in arena.my warrior has 515 ilvl gear.but im being killled by fcking green blue purple mixed dudes.while i got resto friend.can you fix it ??????
  8. dude this is private server welcome to russian wow. undergeared (even in not blue gear ) dudes kill full 522 item lvl peop.what do you expect ^^ everything is bugged or cheated. being cheater is so easy.
  9. Rampa

    GG horde

    lol wtf is this i played 20 games 16 lose 4 win !!!!!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]41043[/ATTACH]
  10. whats wrong i use both them .i getting damage anyway i didnt see any absorb and damage reduction
  11. 1)Neppu 2)Pandawow 100x 3)оскорбление мама [ATTACH=CONFIG]40724[/ATTACH]
  12. thanks alot for help .he used bad words. he can use for me but cant use for my family members
  13. why hes not banned?
  14. 1)priestp 2)100x 3)OP 4)Скрин выше [ATTACH=CONFIG]40290[/ATTACH]
  15. i voted http://wow.mmovote.ru/ 2 times . i got 0 bonus. also http://www.top100arena.com/ is down Doesnt work.....
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