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  1. Players reported: Voldemorttd and Noobhealerxd Realm: Fun realm Description: Those two were flying in warsong gulch and couldnt be killed and obviously hacked the speed and fly speed. Voldemorttd: http://i.imgur.com/W03P030.jpg Noobhealerxd: http://i.imgur.com/xPeyyqd.jpg
  2. I think it's fixed now.The server has been restarted and Juster said that they were fixing exploits.
  3. By your logic every horde player should be banned now.Everybody from Horde expolited that bug.Either every horde player gets banned or no1 gets banned.
  4. Name:Vebu Realm:Fun [ATTACH=CONFIG]46787[/ATTACH]
  5. He is flying in BG. Name:Nathrezimy Realm: Pandawow fun Evidence: [ATTACH=CONFIG]46398[/ATTACH]
  6. Surferax

    English Realm

    You can't go RDF or LFR because you will que up with Russians.. When you join a bg and no1 understands you and you don't understand them...
  7. I spent my bonuses on Moonking hatchling and when I try to learn it it says "You can never use that item" [ATTACH=CONFIG]42598[/ATTACH]
  8. Try /script unpopme() I don't know if it works here.
  9. They will come from time to time when they relise there are more english speaking players then Russians. Same thing happened to "a server" they had french realm and they made international one and they got better population. Anyway, they are going to do a poll.
  10. Surferax

    English Realm

    People that are saying that there won't be enough english players to play on international realm are wrong.They will come when they relise there is international realm and not all russian.
  11. Two more question.Are transfers gonna be free for that realm and is it going to be x100 international realm or x10 or all of them?
  12. Can you guys make another realm that is english speaking. Because russians make most of the player base. Example I say in /bg something to do and they respond in russian. If you make pandawow x100 realm make free transfers for it.
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