so, against warriors there is no resilience xD ... okay! ... and still there are people who's crying about how useless warrior is in 5.4 without the bugged bloodbath talent...and sorry, but what i'm trying to tell you is that, my enhancement shaman can hit 13k with elemental blast... (full mastery, full tyrannical) ... 13k...what is 1 tick from your deep wounds dot, which is automatically applied when you hit with some of your basic abilites. the enhancement set bonus is bugged, the windfury part of unleash fury is bugged --- and while i have bugs like this i feel a little bit angry when a 420k hp warrior is laughing at me at battleground because i had to use my full cd to kill him in 1v1... oh and one last thing...we're not getting 30k deep wounds crits when the warrior used avatar and other's just a simple crit from that dot... ---- (sorry for this whole thing, i don't want arguments, warrior is working it's true --- but other classes are bugged and they still didn't fixed them...they're never going to fix them... bb all, gg warriors, have a nice day/night)