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  1. Corruption removes the Seed of Corruption dot, while in 5.4 videos it does not, and please fix the explosion part, seed of corruption should only explode from "XY" damage taken from the CASTER and not anyone.
  2. man i told you i can kill my enemies xD i think i know how to play enha shaman i just said that it has a lot of important bugs...it's not my mistake if my elemental blast does not benefit from my mastery and from the unleash flame buff :D i can kill my enemies with my working spells XD so please stop these "maybe u don't know how to play enha shamy" ... all i said is that check videos...enhancement shaman crits 149k with elemental blast with full mastery...i have full mastery as well and i crit 30k with that spell because it's not getting the buff from Enhancement Shaman mastery "Enhanced Elements" - which increases all spell damage done by me. - AND it's not benefit from the Unleash Flame buff - which gives +30% dmg...so ask other enhancement shamans :D , yes they can burst you down, even i can burst enemies with Enhancement Shaman but i would have EVEN MORE burst if one of my main attacking spells - Elemental Blast - would work well :D please ask other enhancement shamans about Elemental Blast if you don't believe me...so please i even said "i don't want arguments" so...stop saying things like this .... "maybe u don't know how to play enha shamy" - - - Добавлено - - - OR next time... when i see a post about a bugged warrior talent..and he cries "omg warrior is useless in 5.4 without this talent" - well ..... "omg maybe you just don't know how to play warrior well or you don't know how to burst" :D
  3. so, against warriors there is no resilience xD ... okay! ... and still there are people who's crying about how useless warrior is in 5.4 without the bugged bloodbath talent...and sorry, but what i'm trying to tell you is that, my enhancement shaman can hit 13k with elemental blast... (full mastery, full tyrannical) ... 13k...what is 1 tick from your deep wounds dot, which is automatically applied when you hit with some of your basic abilites. the enhancement set bonus is bugged, the windfury part of unleash fury is bugged --- and while i have bugs like this i feel a little bit angry when a 420k hp warrior is laughing at me at battleground because i had to use my full cd to kill him in 1v1... oh and one last thing...we're not getting 30k deep wounds crits when the warrior used avatar and other cooldowns...it's just a simple crit from that dot... ---- (sorry for this whole thing, i don't want arguments, warrior is working it's true --- but other classes are bugged and they still didn't fixed them...they're never going to fix them... bb all, gg warriors, have a nice day/night)
  4. well guys sorry but it's not working well...check wowhead (5.4) http://db.pandawow.me?spell=115767#comments you don't have to accumulate the weapon dmg, just your attack power which is truly, 60k / 15 sec BUT ... there is the -70% dmg from resilience :) sorry but as i see this dot is going through resilience...while it shouldn't...
  5. Echo of the Elements should sometimes proc a 2nd Elemental Blast, but it's only working with healing spells and normal damaging spells (so everything EXCEPT elemental blast)!
  6. The damage from the attacks of Flametongue Weapon SHOULD slow the target's movement speed by 50% for 3 secs. It's not slowing, don't even apply any debuff.
  7. The Fire Elemental Totem and the Earth Elemental Totem are powerful spells for the Shamans. The elementals summoned are hitting 8-9k / hit. The Primal Elementalist talent should increase their power by 80% , give them new abilites and make them pets directly under the shaman's control. BUT! The talent-powered elementals are only damaging 4-5k / hit...they have the abilities and all of them are working but their damage is just useless. Please fix it as soon as possible! Thank you for your work and this great server!
  8. The Windfury Weapon part of this talent should allow my auto-attacks to trigger Static Shock when I use Unleash Elements. Well...It SHOULD but it's not doing anything. Please fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for your work and this great server!
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