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  1. It's not russians who sux it's people who sign for bg don't even know tactic, cos even undergeared player who know that its need to protect base at ab or kill enemy flag keeper at wsg can help a little. But if its full geared player who can only kill someone and don't know what to do at bg that why we losing it.
  2. You know it's not Russian part of the forum so write English here.
  3. We get same problem with Lava Burst when Lava surge proc some times, but they fix it so I'm thinking they can do it for this spell too lets just wait and see.
  4. I say yesterday its working fine why you making second thread?
  5. I used 5 from day i start to play here same like i farm BS pattern killing mob in isle of thunders 50 times and still all this patterns( or don't drop) do not work and ill start look for it again after i see its fixed on changelog.
  6. 1. Glyph of Blackout Kick 2. It's gives you and your opponent that debuff dmg over 4sec. 3. So this glyph change Blackout Kick so he now do 20% additional dmg over 4sec not matter position of your enemies but remove healing from this spell. 4. Data: 05.06.2014 5. Realm: x10 6. Priority of the problem: 6/10.
  7. You need to run game by pandawow launcher.
  8. its working fine i got all my 5 pets.
  9. If you buy mount by bonus on any server you get this mount on all 3 on any char. I just pend half hour farming that pattern on x10 and after use it's still do not teach you anything.
  10. Engineer pattern it's not working on any servers same like tailor leatherworke and blacksmith patterns. They don't teach you anything. Panthers mount don't work only on fun server cos you can buy mats from vendor.
  11. The Crowd Chose You!!!
  12. I was research on battle.net and find same thing when you disarm warrior and he use bladestorm he get weapon back. So i don't think its bug cos blizzard didn't fix it on retail.
  13. Warrior cannot be crowd-controlled while under the effects of Bladestorm. Disarm abilities can still be used against the warrior, but no effect will take place(it's from wowhead).
  14. If you so much angry after lose honor just relog after every BG. Problem solved.
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