1. Player Name http://i.imgur.com/spOAWqh.jpg i dont know how to write the player name however in this picture you can see their names
2. Realm Fun Server
3. Reason in detail. okay so this story begins when i ran into a mage bookin comp in 2's at around 1.9k rat so the first match we beat them we go on to play them again the second time the match went up to 30min witch ended in a draw however people are telling me you get a buff every 15min when you drop your enemy team lower then your team however this buff dose not one shot ppl you just do more dmg in this draw match that went on for 30min i didnt get one shotted so after we left the arena they started to trash talk to use and they stop queing in 2's and the mage went on his hunter they also wanted me to go on skype or Raidcall however i dont like it since people can DDos you so we went on to que again in 2's this time it was the mage that loged on his hunter and the same bookin however the match went on for 15min we had them beat even though i only have 4 Pic of Grievous gear i can still compete with 2k+ rated plays so the match went on out of 20 frezzing trap i got to eat around 16 for my healer they could not kill me or my druid healer so around 14min all this time we had them playing in the Def they never really got me super low and out of no where i get crit for a Auto shot 1.3mil and Chimera Shot for 7mil on here is what i have to say if i played vs the bookin and mage for 30 min for a draw why didnt i get one shotted yet when i got to fight vs the hunter just cause he is doing more dmg then me since he is full Gr he gets a buff to one shot me even though i might know how to play better in arenas then him its like blizzcon PVP-live was down 2-0 and they happen to get a win underdog can still beat ppl that are well known and this is my screenshot of prof can some one reply to me about this also they even admit them hitting me for 7mil
4. Proof (can be screen shots of combat log, chat etc.) http://i.imgur.com/spOAWqh.jpg