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  1. per ora solo tramite programma ci si puo connettere....anche se altri italiani cmq noto che si connettono normalmente senza usare sto programma....bho!
  2. io per ora ho risolto con sto programmino...poi quando sistemano lo tolgo :crazy:
  3. I solved the problem by using a program that changes my ip because even rebooting both the PC and the router will not solve the problem, but I wonder if I risk a ban ?? or I can use it until you fix the problem ?
  4. same problem here.....help please !
  5. same problem here, same player in arena....ban this noob !!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]47364[/ATTACH]
  6. Alterac Brandy companion ID 106240 i don t know the bug but the companion don t arrive to my bag....tried 2 time and nothing. realm X100
  7. fix please !!!!
  8. yes there are a bug that lock out / bug out....the only way is wait the restart cd....i m not developer,admin or other i m a player that have the same problem :)
  9. when you enter in a raid and go out you have to wait the raid restart cd. 1 week cd.
  10. livello di gilda 25, si cercano giocatori per raid, bg e arene. /w Etielio,Peeter,Supri,Vashoth,Paride per inviti :good:
  12. same problem of old post but now i have just enter in the raid, killed only one boss and go out....now i can t continue the raid O.o is this normal ??? it stuck ever at end of loading [ATTACH=CONFIG]33610[/ATTACH]
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