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  1. You are just as retarded as the waste of breath in this thread... http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=50526 Get your facts together and THEN come back. until then.....GTFO idiot and go spam more bugged spheres
  2. are you trolling or are you just a special kind of stupid? Look up your facts before posting BS like this. GTFO
  3. Seriously how can rogues go invis while in combat and while theyre being damaged?? and its NOT vanish. Please look into it. i saw a hunter shooting a rogue today and while he's being damaged the rogue just goes invis. Please can anyone else confirm this?
  4. this seriously needs fixing ASAP cause every damn monk you see in arena now just spams spheres and goes 3k and they all think they're so damn pro. damn idiots
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