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  1. You are not the only one. :)
  2. Куплю Друида(Альянса) с ЧС и пвп или пве. В наличний 850. Линк армори.
  3. :bomb:
  4. As the title says i am selling 550 mage with 2 sets fire/frost: http://puu.sh/zd89Y/e9c5e89622.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8aG/b2f635c32b.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8bA/aa5fc2db8b.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8cF/2cd1c8d1e5.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8dr/a16322b106.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8dU/1a98daa47b.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8i0/0a08ddc3ca.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8iQ/67ccfa33bf.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8kb/8f956ceb18.jpg Price: 700+% Armory: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-1046465.html
  5. Продам гуд маг 2 сета 550: http://puu.sh/zd89Y/e9c5e89622.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8aG/b2f635c32b.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8bA/aa5fc2db8b.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8cF/2cd1c8d1e5.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8dr/a16322b106.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8dU/1a98daa47b.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8i0/0a08ddc3ca.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8iQ/67ccfa33bf.jpg http://puu.sh/zd8kb/8f956ceb18.jpg Цена: 700+% Армори: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-1046465.html
  6. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-1046465.html - Маг
  7. 1. Minoac 2. Cross(x100) 3. Insult 4. https://imgur.com/a/GNCig
  8. 1. Lydyæ 2. Cross(x100) 3. Insult 4. https://imgur.com/a/pNSH7
  9. 1. Pireus 2. x100 3. Insult 4. https://imgur.com/a/RlrtR
  10. Lel ok i will try to find him.
  11. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc. - http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=31277/surprise-attack 2. Description of the problem. - As the quest says: Meet up with Ban Bearheart outside Niuzao Temple in Townlong Steppes......but Ban Bearheart missing from his place. 3.How it must work. - Ban Bearheart should be in front of Niuzao Temple and you must be able to talk with him to start battle. 4.Date when you tested it. - 14.09.2017 5.Realm - x100 6.Priority of the problem. - 3/10 I searched for this quest NPC which you should kill and complete the quest but he is not there too.
  12. Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=139/renew Issue: When you are using Glyph of Renew the duration of Renew is reduced with 5 seconds. What should happen: The duration of Renew should be reduced with 3 seconds when you are using this glyph Realm: x100/cross [i don't know about fun server] Priority: 4/10 Proof: You can see duration of the spell at the middle of the screen.
  13. I want to know too :D Btw this effect it's called incoming heal.
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