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  1. 1 player named лорд has tranmogedd shiled into a sword how do i do it ? if you cant say it in the forum add me in skype bobibg121
  2. How do i make reputation with SH-PA i saw a lot of player's with the rep trinket but i know TOT aint working. Help pls
  3. Hello i started playing rogue and i saw Subterfudge isnt working will it be like that forever or will they fix it ? :nea:
  4. i am having a warrior by my self but 1 friend who is maining rogue was all sad for his dmg and stuff the rogue gets full potential in Grievous + its not that your bad just sub is not that good, the biggest dmg does ASN after it is combat (the most fun for me since wrath) and the lowest is sub, if you still wanna play sub i know that feel wanting to play your spec not that people tell you, try finding your own way watching pro players is for the fun but you cant play like him in fact only he knows what he is doing and what he has in mind
  5. thank you for the help !
  6. Hi, i just made it to full tyranical and i need a lot of gold for enchants and sockets i did all old raids that give a lot of gold i was selling herbs lower price than everyone else and still nothing please give me some way the server is x100 there must be easy way Sorry for my bad english
  7. Hello i need some help to make gold i did a lot of old raid like BT,MC,BWL,AQ 20,40,SWP and the gold isn't enough i farmed some herbs but they dont sell i put em with a price lower than all others and still nothing any good way to make gold please help i just got full tyranical and i want to do arenas i need gold for enchants and sockets (sorry for my bad english)
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