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  1. Simply don't proc with mind blast nor shadow word: death. Shadow priests are just useless. - - - Updated - - - hmm i relogged and now they work.. x)
  2. crying is for free.
  3. it works fine for me and btw, icicles are not supposed to crit, they already benefit from damage if frostbolt critted, that video is just wrong. i would be glad if pvp power affecting heals and shield was fixed.. not this minor thing, this isn't even one of teh critical mage bugs.
  4. in the end you do the same damage, this is a minor bug and there are more imporant stuff to fix on mages such as fingers of frost increasing ice lance dmg by 25% or pet/mirrors breaking cc's or even orb's movement.
  5. Yea, i get your point.. but perhaps that might be the bug here, if only 70% dmg is reflected then it would lead to 11% if he had 50% pvp power which is quite close to the values he mentioned
  6. maybe you are using the glyph to keep people trembling in place i don't know..
  7. Intimidating shout works 100% for me fun realm..
  8. well, if you tested vs mobs you cant expect the damage to be the same vs players, even tho 10% would seem low, you are not counting battle fatigue aswell which is kinda the real bug here.. battle fatigue will reduce your shield effectiveness by 55% then let's say you have 50% pvp power and your enemy has 75% resil, let's set a variable value to your damage maybe call it "d" , note that i didn't check blizzard's formulas to pvp power effectiveness on resillience but i will assume it must be something similiar or close to what i'll use (please correct me if i am wrong): So , (d*0.25)*1.50 = 0.375*d so let's say you deal (1/0.35) = 2.7 times damage to a mob Now let's add battle fatigue (0.375*0.45)*d = 0.16875d which means you deal (1/0.16875) ~ 6 times more damage to a mob which is higher than 10%, it is around 17% tho maybe you don't have 50% pvp power either the values you mentioned are not exactly those. :)
  9. i am not sure but yesterday i was doin some 2s and it seemed to work, i had no immolate on me and everytime i opened on a warlock with blood horror it would just normally proc...
  10. Linsoft

    Arena frames

    Realm: Fun Realm This is a very annoying thing that my arena frames are totally bugged out, usually when i join arena i see my team partner on the enemy arena frames and to make things even worse, sometimes i don't even have my enemies there, the problem is that somehow my arena macros become useless because they don't work no matter which one i use, enemies in arena aren't recognized as arena1/2/3 and this is quite gamebreaking since at least 25 macros are gone to waste and i have to manually put the enemies into my focus frame which is impossible since some classes keep stealthing.. I also tried using gladius addon hoping it could fix something but again, i see my team mates on gladius frames :/ Does anyone have a solution to this? Thank you.
  11. Linsoft

    Conquest cap reset

    Realm: Fun realm I have read here on forums that cap reset happens 3x a week, but i would like to know when exactly, i know it is friday but when are the other 2 weekly resets? Thank you.
  12. Battle fatigue is working but as you may know, pvp power should negate at least some of it, pvp power should scale with absorbs/heals during pvp when it doesn't, i have tested it with some spells such as ice barrier and recuperate where pvp power doesnt benefit them at all while doing pvp, they are simply reduced by 55% due to battle fatigue.. i believe this is a generic bug to all classes with heals or shields.
  13. The best thing about this server is that it is full of russians and i have no clue of the slightliest fuck they are saying.. that means they can't annoy or disturb me which would never happen on an english speaking server where there is always someone to complain at everything every single second from the moment you go online to the moment you delete your acc.. when russians speak / what you see omfg you win cus i lag! / ???????????? you only won cus you are lucky / ???????????????? i banged your sister last night / ???? please arena / ????? i just gotta love russians, it feels like nobody complains or gets mad over anthing on this server simply because for you it feels like they don't even speak, as if they were some bots you step on.
  14. Oh well, i've been playing wow pretty much since wotlk expansion was released until around half a year ago when i stopped for some break, i used to play wotlk expansion since ever on arena competitive servers that i guess i'm not allowed to say here. I played retail wotlk aswell at the beggining then i tried both cata and mop on retail but i guess it wasn't the best experience i had, the truth is i consider wotlk way stronger in pvp than any other expansions but since now im rusty i decided to give a try on mop. Imo the best thing about this server is that one thing most non russian speakers people complain.. the russians, i think it is awesome, during all my wow experience i had to deal with frustrated people who mostly can't loose or win, on this server, you just don't understand them, they can freely speak or yell at you.. zero fucks given, whatever that guy is gona complain, if he lagged, if i suck, if i am lucky, if he fucked my mom last night, all of that will be converted to "????????" aaaaand i ain't even mad lol..
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