Oh well, i've been playing wow pretty much since wotlk expansion was released until around half a year ago when i stopped for some break, i used to play wotlk expansion since ever on arena competitive servers that i guess i'm not allowed to say here. I played retail wotlk aswell at the beggining then i tried both cata and mop on retail but i guess it wasn't the best experience i had, the truth is i consider wotlk way stronger in pvp than any other expansions but since now im rusty i decided to give a try on mop. Imo the best thing about this server is that one thing most non russian speakers people complain.. the russians, i think it is awesome, during all my wow experience i had to deal with frustrated people who mostly can't loose or win, on this server, you just don't understand them, they can freely speak or yell at you.. zero fucks given, whatever that guy is gona complain, if he lagged, if i suck, if i am lucky, if he fucked my mom last night, all of that will be converted to "????????" aaaaand i ain't even mad lol..