Got kicked from the raid group after we killed Thok The bloodthirsty, and i got kicked from the raid and didn't get the chance to roll for Devilfang Band. Only rolled for Echoes of war.
The warrior party leader stole the loot. Leader name Vvendeta from x100 server. My character name was Brugarren. In the chat is shown that i only rolled for one item and got kicked.
Fly hacker in bg's his name is in Chinese you can see it in the image as well as the server he plays on [ATTACH=CONFIG]92785[/ATTACH]
Seen on 2015.09.20 13:58 battleground Deepwind gorge
Account dariuxas1995. Character name: Tokimonsteer, Realm: x100
After i transfered my balance druid i lost my pridefull boots and in the mailbox i instead got elemental shaman pridefull boots,plz change them [ATTACH=CONFIG]69214[/ATTACH]
[ATTACH=CONFIG]52542[/ATTACH] so mutch damage in a short time, and how common are 239k arcana barage crits , in to full griev characters whit defencives on ?
Found a hunter whit 262k hp doing milions of damage to everyone, his name is Dasashfd [ATTACH=CONFIG]43853[/ATTACH]. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43854[/ATTACH] look at the over kill