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  1. clicking the right mouse button on you pandawow.exe 64 and after click properties then click compatibility and use win xp sp 3 or try another compatibility
  2. Bro i play on 15,6inch but my laptop have 64mb graphic and i like play 800-600 at full screen but i see what i must to see and i have 40fps on that resolution i play this game like 10 years and when i start play this game at vanili at internet cafe all pc is same
  3. Player reported : Qergs Pandawow x100 http://i.imgur.com/2qXJd3A.jpg He have BM pet from deepholm this pet give 5% agility intelect and str for all members in 100yeards
  4. Hello I Stalkyhunter i play on x100 pandawow server How to make 999.999Gold Per 1Day 1.You character must be 90level and have some gear pref ilvl 490 to make aoe dps to fast kill mobs 2.You must have revared in shado-pan/revared golden lotus/exalted august celestial this si max 2h to get this reputations 3.You must have tailoring 600 and enchanting but this place is good for both profesion Ex-when you pull 5 mobs in loot you can find 50gold 5 spirit of harmony but on this server drop change for spirit is 100% and you can get 10 or more items to disenchant 4. when you have all 3 points you must go to capital in pandaria alliance(7star) horde(2moon) or something like that go down stair to august celestal quatermaster and buy recept for http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=82446/royal-satchel 5.To make 1 you need 36 mote of harmony and alot windwoolcloth but windwool cloth drop with any humanoid in pandaria 1-10 6.this is best place to farm all this mats http://iv.pl/images/50232120901981808563.jpg 7.And when you have AoE class mage Lock or some thing like that you can make 1 that bage per 2h max i play BM hunter and i get 36Mote of harmony in under 1 hour 8.Cost on auction house On server x100 for one This 28slot bag is 200.000 9. in 5 or 6 hours you can make 5 that Bag 5x200.000=1.000.000gold Per 1 day xD 10.Litle info for enchanting in shado pan you can get best recept to make a Dancing steal(bugged) and another good enchant for weapon al is bugged but ok in august celestial you can find best recept to enchanting for wrist for agility str and intelect when you make 1 you cna get 30k gold or 40k on AH another enchant you can put on ah with prize 2-5k and elemental force(this enchant working add 3k dmg to spells and skills) If you dont have sha crystal youc an fast get this mats With Battle ground you need 1250 honor to buy 1 finger wrist or back when you disenchant that item you can find 1-2 sha crystal ofc epic items ilvl 476 can drop with any pandaria humanoid but rate is like 1-5% My Record on this server is 2,780,000gold in 1 day i am spend 11hour
  5. In right side is recount but this big one who show all dmg is http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text i am nothing change in setting but you can ofc change font setting size and another place
  6. Hello guys i am play today some arena 2vs2 with elemental shaman and we Cant win but my shadow priest on WoTLK with 6500Gearscore Make better damage with my BM ilvl 501 on x100 on pandawow example http://iv.pl/images/57310309151002107572.jpg 1519[3hits] 2025[2hits,2crit] 507x2 And this DMG make my pet what after http://iv.pl/images/87675021022346236856.jpg Kill command non crit 9k????? On dummy and pve my pet in last time make minimum 300k or more When Resilience Basic is 72% not a 100 or 99,9% but ok Example http://iv.pl/images/61118173594401379576.jpg Just this is my stats and my pet http://iv.pl/images/53796500310536813261.jpg http://iv.pl/images/66318643851858648140.jpg
  7. Hello Dear Staff and Player I buy today with SMS in website points and shado-pan assalut insygnia this item give me 3450 reputation and i am friendly in this faction http://iv.pl/images/83834610442803379589.jpg http://iv.pl/images/32978074739299506511.jpg And When i come to NPC and want buy some items http://iv.pl/images/34709193291235748269.jpg Example items http://iv.pl/images/20559913441523244574.jpg http://iv.pl/images/76146848629787714042.jpg When Another Player Have item with this faction http://iv.pl/images/47068903144018017689.jpg http://iv.pl/images/02386188779527826512.jpg http://iv.pl/images/89522860518630891248.jpg http://iv.pl/images/88349691563933719748.jpg http://iv.pl/images/69144234188546331527.jpg http://iv.pl/images/80415738657748104525.jpg http://iv.pl/images/30617396846155918814.jpg http://iv.pl/images/09450091181240384786.jpg
  8. I have Full Retail client wow on me PC when i change Config to change realmlist i get info to convert Account on battle.net i re-download client 3 time and delete cache alot of time
  9. http://iv.pl/images/64014661121865364951.png Programme World of Warcraft Retail has stopped working the system can search for a solution to this problem online search for solution to the problem of online and close the program close program How to fix this i get wow error 20 or more per day I get this problem only when i am play Battle Ground Windows 7 Professional x64 I delete Cache Folder re-downlaod client and nothing
  10. Normal you can have 1 battle 1 guardian or 1 flask this guy have 9 battle elixir and you dont see bug???? this 1 give only 3str anothe give more 9 27 and more
  11. On Server x100 today i see that warrior eilixir what i show give 3 str but another give more+ buff stacking http://iv.pl/images/62495524515928409122.jpg http://iv.pl/images/18658185340725051747.jpg
  12. I cant to Bro
  13. Hello Everyone i will show my problem on my Horde Characters I try re-download client and nothing get with that i Delete WTF and Cache Folder and when i try login i see information to must conver account to battle.net and i must return apply old cache and WTF with my trash to login on any character But when i try to play RBG on any alliance character i have insatn que or wait is max 1 minute just watch this Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9abEufwN3M&feature=youtu.be
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