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Everything posted by mendoksai

  1. i try it again for like the 8time same problem
  2. y i just did those images are new i can only recover once per 30m
  3. i go to the forgot password panel i chose to recover my pass by email i get the email http://i.imgur.com/WSQjyBC.png when i click the link i get http://imgur.com/doDMYjr i cant recover my password because of that ....
  4. so i forgot my pass i went to the web and did the pass forgot thing i get the email on my gmail account but when i click the link that will send me the pass i get Security code does not match. Hello, KaDiGh You, or someone else, sent request to reset password. To confirm password resetting open link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/forgot/281060/996a02e56aa26263ba11d235edfb219d1a75b93c After that new password will be sent to you. there is no sec code only a link ... :facepalm:
  5. but 75k and 50k livng bomb pr tick wow this is weierd
  6. this is soo stupied pls do something about this dmg cus this man is arcane mage just look and dudge by u self this is the mage http://imgur.com/ggHp31d and the stupied dmg http://imgur.com/m4tItLz http://imgur.com/JlPqokD http://imgur.com/PmpqlAc
  7. 10/10
  8. goblins ????
  9. well this is the 2 time this happen [ATTACH=CONFIG]34883[/ATTACH] like u see i put it in sell 450.-500k thane i got 45k wtf ?? [ATTACH=CONFIG]34884[/ATTACH]:diablo:
  10. just tested and its work love ya pandawow great job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. no iwasnt on the limit
  12. i put a mount in ah for 400k and i recived 70k wtf happen :diablo: - - - Updated - - - on pandawow 10x remlist
  13. +1 :good:
  14. y its soo good !!
  15. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=126392 2. Description of the problem: its just make u fall slow 3. How it must work: its must make u fall slow and make trun left or right u can guide it in the air pls fix fast its soo needed in bgs 4. 24/04/2014 5. Realm x10 6. 10/10
  16. same as u !!! pls fix sprint + slice and dice + recuptions break stealth 2
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