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  1. So the problem is pretty straight foward. I selled my full Grievious Dwarf Shaman named - Blastar on Pandawow Fun for 250 bonuses (275 whit fee). So today i look, okay same amount of bonuses (105), go look in shop to resell it so it shows more up. I look after him, and he is not in shop, aswell as i don't have the bonuses. I want my 250 bonuses, i guess? If u think im scamin or something, there must be a way to look in logs isn't there? Best regards, Laa. P.s. Grammar mistake - I SOLD* character. ;d
  2. Sorry to say, but noone will buy for so cosmic prise. People buy full griev chars whit 275 bonuses right now.
  3. Never goten deepwind gorge queue ;o have seen in chat it has begun tho
  4. Not a bug, but does too much dmg, on my warlock whit the bug and full cds i can 1 shoot anyone. Dont summon pets/statues anything that is easy killable vs destro locks. The Shadowburn does PVE dmg to the target whit Havoc, so they need to scale it so it does PvP deamge to the Havoc target. Thats the bug, PvE dmg on havoc and hittin pet.
  5. We all know this :D Vicious Talisman if Shado-Pan Assault. Gives 12-17k agi depends how much upgraded trinket is. It should be reduced to pvp trinket agi in PvP, but as u know its the PandaWoW :) Nothing gona do about this, cuz if they would want to fix it, it would be fixed already, becues i don't think scaling real fast 1 trinket is hard work :D
  6. Noone laughed, anal jokes just show the size of you'r brain, i hope you're mute stays. Inapropriate... This made me get some brain cancer.
  7. Coldz/Affliction Warlock (FUN) http://i.imgur.com/yYfaT3b.jpg (File too big for site)
  8. Hello staff. So one day before like 1 week i joined icc run. Ok we wiped at marrowgar cuz none of bad players knew to kill spikes. Ok i died and i just fell under map, cant rez, cant repop me(), cant relog, and even server restart dont work. I don't know what to do, nothing works and i fall forever. Nick ingame on fun server- Xtc Thanks for ur help. Regards. Need a teleport from gm or something.
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