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  1. Crying like a kid again, take it like a man :)
  2. /w Cptslamface I give gold for free :)
  3. I don't understand, why you don't take it like a man, qqing like a girl to gms >.
  4. People sell panthers for 400-700k no wonder they have gold lol -_-
  5. 25x and a free transfer for the first week for all characters on the realm. - - - Updated - - - Hmmm we do, you don't know what are we thinking, my almighty 'smart' friend. Peace.
  6. Report: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=60196 Explanation: Someone opened doors and everyone ran away before the bg started except Ragux and Frostyhealz. Realm: 10x Additional info: I would request a 30 day ban for everyone that were running out of BG starting zone before the bg actually started because that gave horde unfair advantage over alliance in that BG.
  7. Nope, guys that were on the picture are still online, i don't think there's any equality here.
  8. So someone gets a random ban just for walking out of the doors? 30 days? Isn't that a 7 day ban for an exploit, and what with russians, why didn't they got banned? Looks like we English guys aren't welcome on this russian server.
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