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  1. Until this gets fixxed, consider doing the following: 1) Use the Ravage! buff before activating incarnation. 2) Use this macro for Incarnation /cancelaura Ravage! /cast Incarnation: King of the Jungle
  2. A mastery fix would be more than enough :)
  3. From what you say here: Assuming a 35k AP, 75% Mastery, 50% PvP Power with full CD's. Your calculations are correct untill you reach the "the bleed are dealing only with 40% resilience". PvP Power is a new stat in Mists of Pandaria that ignores Resilience. So a druid with 50% pvp power on a 74% resilience guy should only be affected by 24% resilience. If were in fact being affected by 40% resilience like you said, it would be a bug that would make druid damage low. Also, bleeds and magic effects ignore 100% armor. It would be silly if you could reduce the ammount of blood you're bleeding by just putting up some heavy armor right? :)
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