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  1. Hello i have a problem. My pet wofl doesnt come out after i summoned it. I had to tame another wolf but after a while it also doesnt come out when i summon it. Can some1 help or exlpain to me how to fix this? I dont have this problem with spiders, scorpion and cats. Thank u in advance!
  2. In my opinion to change the loot in the middle of an encounter is unacceptable. Rules for the roll should be set before the start of the fight. The GM's should do their jobs and punish this player accordingly. Oh btw i've been with Beela before on a raid and i can tell u guys this is not the first time he has taken loot for him self and rolled highest for it.
  3. Crying... Yeah right. Look guys i dont think its normal rogue to deafeat full grevious average good (not a full pro) warrior in a duel after just 3 f****ing seconds with active Defense stance and 538k HP, right? I mean c'mon wtf is that about. In an other case begin an arena with my part. while he's just charged the other player a rogue has dropped my health in 2 seconds to 20%. If this is the way blizz intended so be it. But i highly doubt that.
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