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  1. is there a way I can submit a list of email addresses to delete the accounts on those list? or by my ip? I wish to delete all my accounts and restart, I fear that I forgotten my usernames and I can not make any more emails cause they (yahoo,hotmail,gmail) wont allow me to make anymore emails. I have a list of emails that I wish to use.
  2. now I am stuck at the connecting screen, wont let me log in. I can only get around 5 accounts logged in
  3. Hi, I am trying to multi-box 30 accounts but I keep getting this error "This account needs to be converted to a Battle.net account" I have 4 computers trying to log on and each pc has atleast 1 account that lets me log in on each pc. I don't understand why this is happening, I was able to box 30 accounts in the past with no issues. maybe something new y'all added while I was gone?
  4. sorry I forgot to say its on the "FUN server" I am not sure about x10 and x100. also, MAYBE it'll only bug when ppl are stacked.
  5. I noticed that a druid's hurricane does enough damage to hit someone 2-3 times and they die, does about 100k+ damage each hit. 1) Fun Server 2) This bug may happen when hitting 1 character or multi-characters getting hit by 1 hurricane. 3) May be just Moonkin (which is Astral Storm version)
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