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  1. Ofc he exist.. Go to Hyjal ( The Raid instance ) saw him 3days ago standing there
  2. If you mean the lvl 60 Honor gear, you can buy it at Area 52
  3. Go to http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/signin.html and log in, than click on repair character ;)
  4. Get yourself exalted at Shado-Pan Assault and buy the epic items for gold to disenchant
  5. You really cry that you loose 1k (I doubt that bcs you get only once a day 1k otherwise arround 500) because they FIX stuff? Really one battleground takes around 15min so don't cry that you lost 15mins of your life and be happy they probably fixed some annoying bug with each restart..
  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=79845 Edit*: x100 is already up again
  7. Go to some other server if you hate this one so much? ;o
  8. Than you're realy bad at searching.. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=89935 If you count one and one together they're updating the other realms right now aswell..
  9. Well I realy understand you, if you still need the eq it's realy anoying to loose again and again and again, but as soon as you have a good Equipment it's way more fun to fight against each other instead of just killing NPC's.. Like it was back in the beginning of the alterac valley where you used to play for hours on the same battleground, getting the riders and the flying units.. *what a great time :D* But a sign to explain the bg's wouldn't be such a bad idea anyways.
  10. Delete your chage folder / Lösch einfach mal deinen Chache und WTF Ordner in deinem WoW Installations Verzeichnis dann sollts wieder funtzen ;)
  11. [ATTACH=CONFIG]45544[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45545[/ATTACH] First one PvP, 2nd one PvE :) [ATTACH=CONFIG]45547[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45548[/ATTACH] And ofc my little rogue ;P
  12. If you mean his 5 pets that's a glyph ;)
  13. Do daily quests you get rly fast much money or raid on your own some old raid instance
  14. Just type ingame /join english than you've an english chat where you can easy find some english speaking guilde
  15. Actually yes. If you can't live with bugs that people are already fixing for you for free, than yes, you should pay for the original one so you have LESSER bugs. Btw here is the topic where you can see what they fixed already for you. (For free ofc..) http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=164
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