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  1. Chars: Ðky, Stirling Realm: Fun Reason: Abusing Storm Scarab Link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=64881/pendant-of-the-scarab-storm Proof: http://postimg.org/image/mkttz1qep/ and http://postimg.org/image/xbiimg61v EDIT:Further proof they abused another time and we owned them 3-4 times >> http://postimg.org/image/b1c61m2c9/
  2. Name : Saltgodx Realm: Fun Reason: Used Mirror Images to get us out of stealth. Proof: http://s27.postimg.org/ys2o76wcz/Wo_WScrn_Shot_021315_040848.jpg
  3. Name: Whoamy Realm: Fun Reason: Insult's http://oi62.tinypic.com/2zoyvt4.jpg
  4. Name:[ATTACH=CONFIG]59302[/ATTACH] Server: Fun Reason: flyhack + speed + pulling ppl down with grip.. Comment: can't spell his name, looked in combat log didn't see his name when he grip..
  5. I has found the chiken, i clam only 500 bonus. ty.
  6. yeah i think the problem is there's too many people ? , I get to the Realm Selection, but its stuck at Logging in to game server, on any server.
  7. I am not talking about Melee hits (White hits) Im talking about Special hits (Yellow hits) Like Special Abilities, "hemorrhage, backstab, ambush, cheapshot, garrote, mortal strike, slam, etc." Comment: Hitrating doesn't work for special attacks the cap is 3% but i need 5% if i don't want to miss with them, with 4% i still miss but not as much, 3% Cap does not work.
  8. 1. Hitrating for melee classes. 2. You need to have 5% hit 100% with SPECIAL attacks if you have 4% or 3% which is the CAP u will miss sometimes with SPECIAL attacks like Backstab Cheapshot and other's, this bug has been going on since 5.4.2 please fix it is really annoying. 3. All servers. 4. 4.27/09/2014. 5. 10/10 Comment: I can post a video if you do not believe me..
  9. 1. Cloak of Shadows. 2. When i use it vs any player on pvp the same dmg i do to them it heals them back, meaning I do 20k they heal 20k so i don't really do any dmg when i have it active, it was happening on 5.4.2 too and now in 5.4.8. 3. All realms. 4.27/09/2014. 5.Priority 10/10 Comment: I can post a video if you do not believe me..
  10. Working as intended.
  11. In this patch Eviscerate got nerfed for 10% and we got more resilence.. Rogue is not bugged.
  12. Name: Kurazay Server:Fun Reason: Speedhacking.[ATTACH=CONFIG]56820[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56821[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56822[/ATTACH] EDIT: my partner saw it too, also i saw him skip alot of space like using a speed increase/hack moved way too fast many times..
  13. [ATTACH=CONFIG]56404[/ATTACH] Player : Megachami Reason: Offending me saying "Perras" it means Bitches, and calling me a noob without anyreason, other than we beat them 3 times and we have no gear (: Server: Fun Server.
  14. Players: Smashcrrush, Derpfreeze, Server: Fun Realm. Reason: Bad language, Offending. Evidence: [ATTACH=CONFIG]56017[/ATTACH]
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