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Posts posted by dampalusa

  1. 1.Vevan

    2.Fun server

    3.hacks dual spec so he is as well as Frost spec as well as unholy and have both benifits of this specs

    4.here u can see he got unholy aura and hes frost and he got obliviate crit proc (only frost spec spell) as well as arena shows hes frost



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    oh and btw that hunter right there is beastmaster with trueshot aura (markmenship aura) he does same thing : )))))) u can see the aura in dks buffs, i honestly cant type his name (have got no russian keyboard)

  2. as soon as there is no any forum section for reporting gm abuse, ill post it here. One of gms Casualties is abusing his gm power by throwing mutes on who ever he wants on how much time he wants. i recived 4 hour mute for calling player "retard" in chat. (while 9000 other do the same) only 3-4 ppl got mute for it. now i got 2 hour mute for saying "i play fucking boomkin". this isnt his first time and he does gives mute to every just choses who ever he wants. either calm that kid or teach him how he should work. http://i.imgur.com/ClmAwN4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2yGekaf.jpg
  3. Were you born in 60s or are you intellectually disabled ?

    Charge stun should NOT share the same dr with Storm Bolt or Shockwave, tho Shockwave shares dr with Storm Bolt and vice versa.


    plz fresh your knowledge about wow : ) and get more manners.

  4. Spell name : Charge

    Date tested : 30/09/2014

    How it works : Charged target getting stuned for 1.5 sec and following stuns from Shockwave and Storm Bolt DOESN'T stuck the DR.

    How it should work : Charge is counted as normal stun and is same school as spells like Shockwave and Storm Bolt and SHOULD lower the DR of following stuns.

    Priority : 10/10 (It must be fixed for sure)

    Realm : 5.4.8 fun realm



    Cmon guys u srsly? :D stunlock warrior? 1.5 charge + 4 sec stormbolt + 2 sec shock wave + 1.5 another charge? srsly????? (somewhere old school rogues crying for this.....)

  5. this guy and his friend was abusing/cheating whole bg killing ppl left and right on fun server.

    1. i cant say their names i dont have russian keyboard but u can see them on screens

    2. fun server, battlegrounds

    3. they summon 10000 spirits so they one shot everyone


  6. found another one his friend doing same thing : )



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    k i thought i did there i should move this treat? bot fun server (names in screen i dont have russian keyboard sorry)


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    1. cant say names dont have russian keyboard but they both are on screens

    2. fun realm, battlegrounds

    3. they summon 50+ spirits and kill ppl in 1 shot

    4. there are screens listed

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