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Everything posted by Zeox

  1. Добавлены следующие предметы: Оружие/Weapons: http://db.pandawow.me?item=105006 http://db.pandawow.me?item=105125 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=112925 Трансмогрификация/Transmogrification: Ткань/Cloth: http://db.pandawow.me?item=14121 http://db.pandawow.me?item=14119 http://db.pandawow.me?item=14117 http://db.pandawow.me?item=14114 http://db.pandawow.me?item=14113 http://db.pandawow.me?item=10033 Кожа/Leather: http://db.pandawow.me?item=6670 http://db.pandawow.me?item=4248 Оружие/Weapons: http://db.pandawow.me?item=15971
  2. Сделайте ping logon.pandawow.ru Напишите IP сюда.
  3. Config.wtf восстанавливайте. До такого вида. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Macsimka/MopLauncher/master/txt/realmlist
  4. Ответ дан http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=225885&p=1346758&viewfull=1#post1346758 Закрыто.
  5. Уже исправлял. После обновления будет исправлено.
  6. Репорт есть? Если да - скиньте в ЛС. Если нет - нужно сделать с пруфами.
  7. Ответил в той теме, сделаем.
  8. Принято. Будет реализовано после обновления.
  9. Hello, dear PandaWoW players! I would like to congratulate you on the beginning of the new study year, because of of this we launch the following promotions: All prices for the items have been reduced by 20%. Vote will give you 50% more silver coins. Now you will get additional 20% gold coins, donating by any way in Control panel (for example, if you will donate 100 gold coins, you get 120 coins on an account etc). In addition, we've unbanned all accounts, that would be unbanned in the september, in total 562 account have been unbanned. The promotions will last from 01.09.2017 to 14.09.2017.
  10. Здравствуйте, уважаемые игроки PandaWoW! Хотелось бы поздравить Вас с началом нового учебного года, в честь этого мы запускаем следующие акции: Все цены на предметы снижены на 20%. За голосование на проекте вы будете получать на 50% больше серебряных монет. При пожертвовании любым доступным способом, независимо от суммы, дополнительно зачисляется +20% от суммы (например, при пожертвовании на 100 золотых монет, будет зачислено 120 монет и т.д). Помимо этого, сняты все баны с игровых аккаунтов, за исключением тех, кто забанен навсегда, итого амнистию получили 562 аккаунта. Акции продлятся с 1.09.2017 по 14.09.2017.
  11. Добавлены следующие предметы: Трансмогрификация/Transmogrification: Кольчуга/Mail: http://db.pandawow.me?item=16937 Ткань/Cloth: http://db.pandawow.me?item=26005&bonus=0
  12. The history for the 5th arena season is added. http://screenshot.ru/4d5a5a57e806745e46cf0000c6c2e709.png This information is actual for the time when arena season had ended (00:05 on August 30, 2017). In the near future we will finish checking the logs and will be able to give deserved awards.
  13. Добавлена история за 5й арена сезон. http://screenshot.ru/2ff3d31ad99e88fc97791105185b142e.png Данная информация является актуальной на момент завершения арена сезона (00:05 31.08.2017). В ближайшее время окончим проверку логов и сможем выдать заслуженные награды.
  14. Это пока не применено.
  15. Ok, I was waiting but now let me say this: we are using DBC files from 5.4.8 and all information about spell damage,formulas etc are from 5.4.8. That's why I was so disappointed when you write "update to 5.4.8 and it will be fixed", proved one more time, that you don't have ideas how it should work and that "5.4.8" is the only thing that will help. Every hotfixes from 5.4.8 are already here, that is handled with game-client files (DBC). Checkmate, try to find what exactly is wrong and we will fix it. But even if we update all our opcodes and packet structures to 5.4.8 , nothing will be changed in that part.
  16. Планируем в течение 1-2 недель, было очень много изменений, тестируются на QA.
  17. Where should my team find a time to fix things that were already fixed ? I don't need to do "work for work".
  18. It will take a lot of time ~1-2 month and because of that A LOT OF THINGS will be broken, since they are fixed on the current version they will be broken on the next, like it always have been after version update.
  19. I have only one idea, maybe we have some lost changes in cross core, then all is fine on world server and have bugs on cross. I will review it in the nearest future. I don't think it's real, but it's still possible.
  20. Все вещи добавлены и уже доступны у PVE вендоров. Критерий для покупки: 3500 ОЗ + 2000 рейтинга арены + 27 000 заработанных ОЗ за сезон.
  21. The same as you, continue spamming me about serious problems without any proofs.
  22. That what I want to say, THERE ARE NO BUGS. If you say that others server don't have "broken warrior damage", then make researches and find what is difference.
  23. Yes, I say PVP is fine, still have a lot of bugs, but we are on them. How I can say that? I'm developer and I see reports. EVERYTHING that doesn't have any proofs that it's bug - not a bug for me. So you can create 100500 topics about "OP DAMAGE", it won't have any sense. If you want to make custom nerfs only because you want, write Malaco and ask him to create Mists of Pandaria server, he like to make custom nerfs only because others want so. Pandawow will be blizzlike, I won't listen to 10-20 players only because they've owned by warriors / melee classes , or they are not smart enough to find any bugs but always spam on the forum that I MUST FIX it, without any bugs.
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