Okay heres a quick leveling guide.
If you have no level 90 friends on the server to help you out. go to each zone one by one in your level range and kill the mobs there until you're the max level for the zone, for example if you're human level at Elwynn Forest from 1-10 by killing mobs then go to the next zone. Darkshore 10-20. its very easy takes about 6 hours from 1-90
if you have a level 90 friend to help you. just go to uldum, there is a place with stairs completely covered in mobs but I frogot the name so just go to The Cursed Landing. takes about 15 minutes 1-85 then go to pandaria and kill mobs. Simple.
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You can use this website http://www.wowwiki.com/Zones_by_level