Recruiting players who wish to be in a guild that strives for greatness.
Our main goal is to become the best raiding guild on the server (and we surely have the skill and experience to do so). We have a very solid raiding team and the guild has been around for several years and is well established. We also focus on all other aspects of the game such as PvP, farming transmog, achievements, and anything else that's of interest to it's members. We want our members to join thinking "Wow, this is the best guild I have ever been a part of."
This guild was maintained and ran as one of the top, most active guilds on retail, and had been around since 2008 to shortly after MoP's release. Our leaders are very experienced in retail WoW and every aspect of the game, as well as having some players that were top 100 world in retail.
One thing that makes Supremacy's atmosphere outstanding is that we actually CARE about our members. We do no accept players being rude and offensive to other guild members. We have zero tolerance for selfish players, ninjas, trouble makers or anything of the sort. Because of that, our guild members always feel safe in knowing we have their back and remove any players causing problems.
Always remember that we don't care to try and compete or compare to other guilds. We have a unique atmosphere and our goal is to be Supremacy, and nothing but Supremacy. If you would like to be apart of our of our amazing group of players, please feel free to message an officer in game for an invite.
We WILL live up to our name...
Guild Leader: Hellkittenn
Officers: Vilmo, Solomongrunt, Heinekenz, Gealden, Diacetyl, Deadinator
To guildies; We have a 512 person guild TeamSpeak, where we have the BEST time ever and host many events. Feel free to hop in and hang out with us!
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