We apologize for a long logs checking and announcement of results, but now basic work is done.
Basic information after logs checking:
Bracket 2x2 successfully took place, now performed an additional checking of the list of winners, in order to remove from it buggers and cheaters.
Bracket 3х3 not took place due to low activity and wintrading, after ladder cleaning player on 20 place have rating 1672, with a minimum 2200 according to rules of the season.
Bracket 2x2 successfully took place, now performed an additional checking of the list of winners, in order to remove from it buggers and cheaters.
Bracket 3х3 not took place due to low activity and wintrading, after ladder cleaning player on 20 place have rating 2178, with a minimum 2200 according to rules of the season.
Bracket 2x2 successfully took place, now performed an additional checking of the list of winners, in order to remove from it buggers and cheaters.
Bracket 3х3 not took place due to low activity and wintrading, after ladder cleaning player on 20 place have rating 2146, with a minimum 2200 according to rules of the season.
At this week GMs removed from the list all buggers and cheaters, that was banned during the season and we will can to sum up with announcement of the top 20 in bracket 2x2 for each realm.