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Posts posted by Zymos

  1. Hey all, so my question is: Does Grimoire of Sacrifice affects spells of affliction warlocks or? I remember selecting it once and the talent only told me about the destro lock spells...is that visual bug or does not work with aff locks?


    Also, how is the dmg of dots (PVP)? Low, Medium, High? (full honor gear)

  2. I also noticed that when playing with most of english speaking players there is a comunication so we know what must be done and where...but when playing with russions or those who dont know english, it's the worst...

    4/10 If you stay like 3 hours, horde wins....and its because most of the guilds dont do premades, horde hardly does premades...and it sucks.

    Im decent geared, almost all honor gear but for now im going to play as alliance, and who knows, when i have the vote points might transfer to alliance, even tho i like horde.

  3. Well, as the title sugests, horde in bg's at night sucks so much, it makes me wander why i rolled horde (and i like horde alot). It's a pain in the ass doing bgs with horde at night and sometimes even day.

    It's like horde dont care...they just rush in the middle like brainless people and start attacking everything that moves. Also horde doesnt seem to do premades at all, while alliance 7/10 bg's are premade.

    Horde, wake up you green orcs, start winning things and do stuff the right way.

  4. What about Ret paladins, you didnt even touch them. Are they that bad or simply you didnt mention them cause they are good? I dont want to play an bugged op class, that would be easy.
  5. Well, i came here to "qq", spent my honor for nothing, i have Dw pvp weapons and guess what? I did tiger palm 600 dmg on a greenie priest...such dmg, much wow.

    Srlsy i would prefer to use my 2h klaxxi weapon to do dmg -.-. This is humiliating, i hope this problem of monks gets the attention of devs.

  6. 100% Aproved. This is a major passive for demo lock, and i've been in situacions where its gamebreaking.

    Hope it gets fixed asap, because in this patch, demo is very close to the destro lock and it would be a shame if you could only play destro -.-.

  7. Hello, where could i post this bug? Is there any bugtracker?


    Im playing with demonologie lock and for some reason i cant instant cast Soulfire when i have +5 moltencore buffs. Its ridiculouse...if i want to burst someone or even normal cast it, i have t oclick for more than 20 times on soulfire to get the instant cast (+5/+10 moltencore buff)

    It would help alot if this gets fixed.




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