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  1. Yesterday even in arenas this dont heal. If i report was because dont work, even taking dmg. Why you say this is a cry? cry of what? i have a problem and i report him, that is all. where the f.ck are the cry? other stupid without life, go to f-f.ckyourself. Anyway, FIXED.
  2. Useless threads? see the video neanderthal. Go to live, go to love some women or men. Go to walk maybe. But dont come here to be a stupid helpless. Or go to fun server make a windwalker monk and try heal you stupid brainless, im not the only one. My god this people. I do a video and not just a images for cave people like you.
  3. If you can not say anything productive better shut your mouth , I said no heal spec DPS. The antonym . This capability is important for the DPS specification. and it does not work for something I opened this topic. Creating a monk and see for yourself
  4. 1.Spell: Healing Sphere http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=128824/healing-sphere 2.Issue: the spell don't heal . Not works even in other players. What Should Happen: Should heals when you go into the area of the sphere . 3.Realm: x10, Fun server 4.Priority: 10/10 essential spell of monk Please fix this fast . I try five minutes ago this spell with my DPS monk. I try repair and dont works anyway. Even in fun server don't work. Necesary in all aspects of the game . With a pvp tournament in process this is a huge problem. Thanks alot for the attention. 5.The proof/video: https://youtu.be/fYR1g2gCfdM
  5. If you win the tournament is Ok i dont have nothing against you, but win it playing good, CLEAN. You STEAL rating using bugs, and the people cant recover that, you deserve a punishment in that point! A ban can be removed with credits, different thing. And the rules say it, rating removal. - - - Updated - - - bye hypocrit, go to steal rating gogogo!
  6. you say is crap because you know is true what i say, what a excuse. And i tell you again im not saying a reset rating, just a punishment in that point because you steal rating to other people, is the fair thing or not?
  7. I dont answer fast because my english is really bad and i use traslator. You are a fallacy men. Why dont answer all the post? why just parts? you coward. Men the rules says clearly, ban and removal rating, what part of that you dont understand? you are the brainless dont answer all my post, just a part. - - - Updated - - - Anyway bye, later i read your next fallacy posts, i dont have more time. It would be nice if you have the decency to admit that you deserve punishment for take rating using bugs, if you think you are a good player. A good player dont need bugs for take rating. Bye hypocrit, fallacy with feets.
  8. i wanna a punishment not exactly rating reset, you get rating with bugs just like him, and the rules says foul play, removal rating. That dont happen. So? Why? IF the rules says exactly that, ban AND removal rating, and dont happen the punishment are bad, a mistake. People lose rating when you are using bugs, he cant recover it and you have the same rating anyway, that is fair for you? - - - Updated - - - I cant proove the rogue traspass of my account you idiot. You use Fallacy to desvirtue my post, you take a part of my post and understand what do you wanna understand. Come on coward admit it, we never play before this weeks.
  9. Im not lying. You dont have the balls to admit it, but we just play in this weeks with rogue never before. You wanna deny that? Deny it, hypocrit, you know the true. And yeah 8 days ago was that arena, i really dont remember the day i think was 2 days, just a mistake, but that number is of 9th of this month and you know it. Just a mistake and are false? I tell you again a Gm can check it, 139k of pyro 8 days ago. - - - Updated - - - that picture is the proof, 2 days ago was a mistake i write bad, but for that is not false, and you know it we never play before than this weeks vs you with rogue setup. I cant proove the rogue traspass of my account you idiot.
  10. A Gm can see when we join i think, we never play vs you with this setup because the rogue was into my partner account was impossible. I cant proove it for you little lyer, but a gm can see it i think.
  11. HAHAHA come on you lyer, you dont have face, I play with rogue just in THIS WEEKS and YOU KNOW THAT, you know when we play -.- ok not 2 days ago, but come on we never play vs you before with this setup in this weeks, HYPOCRYT hahaha a GM can see that i think. The rogue come of my partner account to my account in this month, in this season. You don't remember when we play, you have Alzheimer or are just a hypocrit? tell me. Anyway the rules are the rules. You and your dirty partner deserve a removal rating.
  12. No, you say all the other mages dont hit that because are dog shit, (for that i put euphemism) or something like that, im sure about dog shit. You are stealing 200$x2 if you take 1-2place. The rules says if you use foul game in this season you get ban and removal rating.
  13. No, you say all the other dont hit that because are dog shit, (for that i put euphemism) or something like that. You are stealing 200$x2 if you take 1-2place.
  14. 139k of pyro with feint, but well i cant proove that, the same for you, just saying. Anyway that picture is enought proove for you or not? 2 days ago not old. [ATTACH=CONFIG]81822[/ATTACH] - - - Updated - - - When i have 2.7k of rating the max are 3k:D
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