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About medowow

  • Birthday 09/24/1977

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  1. Hi there, I could not find any words to describe my gratitude. However i finally writing it down. Thank you all Gms and especially Buka, Zeox, Locative and Eistein for helping me getting back my main account. Also, kindly accept my humble and sincere apologies our Gm Locative if my words were harsh, as i was very sad (not angry) about loosing my account, i do trust you with my account but the idea of loosing my precious main account since 2014 is crazy to me. Also thanks goes to all my guildies, especially Kusanagi, Gummy, Ninja, Qisqo who helped me a LOT and stayed with my giving me strength. I'm bless to know them and honored to call them my friends. Again, i'm very sorry for any problems caused, i'll stay low this time. Please let me know if you need any kind of help in web site, DB structure, Development issues. I will be so happy to help in this wonderful project that I consider it my home that make me at ease :o:o, this will means a lot to me. Best of luck Sir(s) and Madame(s)
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  2. that was my old thread to the gm and none helped me Dears Thanks for the support all the time. I tried to reset my password and i discovered that there is a "," in the email field as in the image. I tried many times to do it, but i failed until i found the problem. https://imgur.com/Q9m7Ho4 https://imgur.com/a/x0ei397 I want to donate to get the bow, mace of thrall and the cloaks of pandaria for my (1) main + 4 (alt) + 4 professions. But before doing this i need to secure the account so please help me in these 2 things: 1- remove this character "," from the email field, so i can change the password 2- unbind the sms phone number in order to leave a backdoor for the hacker to do it again. Thanks so much for the understanding. ------------------- Update ------- By the way You can get back to Locative, he helped me get back the account and he changed for me the email/password. Thanks and now i got hacked again because i could not change the password, and only me and locative knows it. i really do not know how can an GM do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hi, Evening to You Sorry for the troubles, but the Gm can not access the guild "Angels Of WarCraft" tabs, other ranks are working fine. the gm can only access the first tab and withdraw from it, he can not deposit. he can not access the other tabs. i tried everything, cleared the cache, errors, logs files, disabled the add ons, i deleted them and restored them. i deleted the wtf folder. nothing work. resetting the bank permissions, ranks permissions. i promoted other alts to GM nothing work. renamed the ranks. i accessed the guild bank from SW, shrine of 7 stars, same problem. Link with images https://imgur.com/a/x99DFSU I checked my other guild and it is working. Thank for your understanding and support.
  4. My God, You can not be serious I was trying to login and the server banned me !!!!!! I logged on today normally at 12:00 AM by my country time then log out then relogged and i got BANNED. How come???? - - - Updated - - - It is working now, no idea how come sorry for the inconvenience. /shy
  5. Dear Locative and Administrator Thank you so much and all the team behind you for getting me back my precious account :) The guy changed many things but it is OK, i can get back my loss. Thanks again and God bless You and BEST of luck :)
  6. Hello :) hope this finds you well and good day to you I don't know if anyone has the same problem, whenever i try to start a battle pet it says: companion missing. Also when i start to find new pet or battle new pet to level my pets in SW mage quarter with critters, it does not allow me to right click them to start the battle. I deleted cache, logs, errors, disabled all add ons, nothing work. I tried the same step + with repair char and also repair other talents, still does not work. Char: Elunes, realm x100 Thank you for your time.
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