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  1. Apparently it is hard to spend 2min of searching so I will do that for you. According to: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/795177-Energy-regen "Haste rating gives energy regen, haste % (Like Slice and Dice) doesn't." "SnD etc don't increase your haste by a certain percentage but your melee attack speed which is the difference. Anything which increases haste will increase your energy regen but it has to specifically affect haste and not attack speed. " So we have this information, now moving forward, what do we know about monks ? They do have passive abillity called Way of the Monk: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=120277 So as you can CLEARLY see what you are talking about is complite nonesene with minor expcetion about haste RATING which should increase energy regeneration. Period.
  2. 1. Chielus 2. x10 3. http://postimg.org/image/57wctckhr/ Befor some handicaped person will lock this thread without using more then 1 brain cell, because I have not "Read the rules of this section of forum " in advance, I want to make it clear as apparently it is not obvious, I neither speak nor read in your third world language, therefore I can not know, how should I properly report other players. Unless you actually put some effort to provide english community proper support as it is currrently required.
  3. 1. Lukap 2. x10 3. http://postimg.org/image/3zpk9guk3/ Befor some handicaped person will lock this thread without using more then 1 brain cell, because I have not "Read the rules of this section of forum " in advance, I want to make it clear as apparently it is not obvious, I neither speak nor read in your third world language, therefore I can not know, how should I properly report other players. Unless you actually put some effort to provide english community proper support as it is currrently required.
  4. 1. Primodial 2. x10 3. http://postimg.org/image/jtx4379mz/ Befor some handicaped person will lock this thread without using more then 1 brain cell, because I have not "Read the rules of this section of forum " in advance, I want to make it clear as apparently it is not obvious, I neither speak nor read in your third world language, therefore I can not know, how should I properly report other players. Unless you actually put some effort to provide english community proper support as it is currrently required.
  5. 10x realm down or wat?
  6. Player named Chielus was offending like this thro the entire BG, I demand justice towards this player. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/57wctckhr/ Player named Primodial also was cursing in whispers, even tho I told him to stop and puting him on ignore. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/jtx4379mz/ Player named Lukap was flaming me and he has done it twice, altho I have only 1 screenshot. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/3zpk9guk3/
  7. You must be mentaly ill if you think so. The arcane's formula of some spells, maybe even mastery itself is broken, therefore dmg can be ridiculous for most of the time. Something scales highly incorrectly, so we witness those kind of bizarre damage from arcane mages.
  8. That's not true, that haste influence energy regeneration, what does infuence energy regeneration is haste RATING. It should NEVER count your overall haste since there is too many talents that grant you 5% or 10% etc. melee haste and this should NOT affect energy regeneration whatsoever. So energy regeneration should include only amount of haste you have from haste rating before any other buff or talent.
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