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  1. 1. Realm x100 2. Mcgans (hunter) 3. Using a snake trap that instant kills you. [ATTACH=CONFIG]74148[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74149[/ATTACH]
  2. Hello, I was playng arena when a hunter used snakes traps, so i got like 500.000 hit. Here the screen shot from the previous a[ATTACH=CONFIG]74012[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]74013[/ATTACH]rena
  3. shiok

    Rated BG

    Im asking for GUILDS who WANTS to play against US =)
  4. shiok

    Rated BG

    Hello guys, I want to create this topic to talk about RATED BG meeting, my guild MURLOC LOVERS want to challenge guildS in rated BG, so I think it would be nice to create a schedule for people to join RBG. For instansce, from Sunday to Thursday at 23:00 SERVER TIME people ready to do RBG, so if any guild want to play RBG we can do at that time. This is an initative to promote RBG inside the server, because its an amazing feature. Dates are just an example we can meet other hours if we are avaliable Regards. PS: You can wisp my characters online, Shiokr,Zeferino or Hybridlol or any memeber of my guild in case you wanna fight my guild and we can agree a RBG.
  5. Really no one WTS a Rshaman?
  6. WTB a Restoration Shaman with a item level +545, post your offer here
  7. Sorry I play on the Horde side =( on x100
  8. Alliance or horde?
  9. Hello, I want to ask you guys if in there is Arena Seasons in the server. Because I have never seen an arena reset since i got here, around 2 months ago. Thanks ;)
  10. God Job GMS, now paladins works much better :P
  11. Spell name : Symbiosis (http://www.wowwiki.com/Symbiosis) How it works : When symbiosis is casted on my warrior ( I am arms ) it gives Spell Reflect or other spells depend on the druid How it should work : IT should provide the druid Intimidating SHout ( fear), but it only happend to my warrior, I have seen all druids have that on the other warrs Priority : 8/10 Realm : 5.4.8 x10 100x fun realm Date when tested : 2014/12/15 PS: I dont know if this should go in druid or warrior, because the spell works for druids but not when they cast on me, maybe is a problem on my character in that case please help me. :)
  12. Im so fail because Im spanish and 2.3k rating, ye and my guild is full of skilled people all of them Spanish. There are two kinds of Spanish , Spanish from Spaind and Spanish from South America and there is a huge difference
  13. Can any GM give me a solution?
  14. Hello, Symbiosis is not working properly for my warrior ( i am ARMS), I mean when a druid cast symbiosis on my warrior this gives the druid the tank spect attack instead of FEAR. I have reseted the talents tons of times, the spect and also I have done it trought the webpage tool. And for some druids it gives Spell reflect and for other the tank symbiosis, but not fear in any case. Can you help me? Thanks in advance
  15. Es un fallo del servidor, no hay que hacer nada especial. Tu vas y puedes transfigurar un hacha de dos manos en maza/espada , lo que quieras. No es hack ni nada haha
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